InfoQ Homepage Asynchronous Architecture Content on InfoQ
No Free Lunch, Indeed: Three Years of Microservices at SoundCloud
Phil Calcado shares the toolkit and strategy SoundCloud uses to keep its microservices explosion manageable, dealing with operations overhead, DevOps, breaking changes and asynchronous behaviors.
Protocols - The Glue for Applications
Torben Hoffmann talks about how to design systems with asynchronous message passing between processes that do not share any memory.
Asynchronous Patterns for Client, Server, and IoT
Andrea Giammarchi presents different asynchronous patterns and best practices for the Web, the server, and the embedded IoT platforms.
core.async: Concurrency Without Callbacks
Stuart Halloway discusses the design of core.async and some of its capabilities: channels, put and take, go blocks, alts! and alts!!, timeouts, showing their use through code.
Microservice Challenges
Fred George discusses two challenges developing microservices: the asynchronous messaging bus and using functional programming which may be at odds with this approach.
ASPIRE:Exploiting Asynchronous Parallelism in Iterative Algorithms using a Relaxed Consistency-based DSM
The authors present a relaxed memory consistency model and consistency protocol that tolerate communication latency and minimize the use of stale values, outperforming other models.
Asychronous Design with Spring and RTI: 1M Events per Second
Stuart Williams takes a walk through the RTI architecture and explains how Spring performs at hundreds (and millions) of events/operations per second.
Reactive Streams: Handling Data-Flows the Reactive Way
Roland Kuhn introduces the guiding principles behind Reactive Streams’ design and along with examples using its actor-based implementation in Akka.
Building Real-time Web Applications with Stratified JavaScript
Alexander Fritze shows how to build real-time web app with Conductance, a web app server built on Stratified JavaScript which includes support for modularity and composability of asynchronous code.
Programming a 144-computer Chip to Minimize Power
Chuck Moore discusses coding techniques for power savings: tight coding to minimize the number of instructions executed, reducing instruction fetches, transistor switching, and duty cycle.
Play!: I’ll See Your Async and Raise You Reactive
Guillaume Bort and Sadek Drobi introduce Play, a Java and Scala web development framework, insisting on its asynchronous reactive capabilities built on Iteratee IO.
Reactive Extensions and ReactiveUI
Paul Betts explains how to use Reactive Extensions (Rx) and ReactiveUI, the later being a MVVM framework using the virtual time scheduler features of Rx.