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  • Rethink Leadership: Being Ordinary to Accomplish Extraordinary Results

    Ordinariness in leadership can help us to accomplish extraordinary results, argues agile/lean coach Katherine Kirk. Several more people have explored approaches that suggest to rethink leadership and go back to behaviour basics for leading people. Although these approaches are about small ordinary things, their effect may cause a revolution in the way organizations are being managed.

  • Key Takeaways from the 'Agile on the Beach' 2016 Conference: Day One

    At the sixth ‘Agile on the Beach’ conference, held in Cornwall, UK, several leading practitioners of agile software delivery presented the state-of-the-art and emerging trends within this domain. Key takeaways included the value of the scientific method to drive change; the use of Continuous Delivery (CD) for improving safety and speed; and the power of cognitive bias during the user testing.

  • Continuous Deployment at Coolblue

    Continuous deployment results in a higher sense of responsibility and better quality of deployments, argues Paul de Raaij, technical pathfinder at Coolblue. Coding standards prevent your code base from becoming a mess, automated inspections are great for tedious and boring checks, and manual checks are great for checking if the logic or use of code actually makes sense.

  • DevOps Enterprise Adoption at ITV with Tom Clark

    Tom Clark, head of common platform at ITV, talked at the past DevOps Enterprise Summit 2016 in London on how their cloud platform has served as a medium for spreading DevOps practices and way of working across the entire organization, as well as how to grow a team of "smart and kind" engineers around it. In this Q&A Clark talks about ITV's DevOps journey, challenges faced and the road ahead.

  • Deliver Shippable Products with Good Engineering Practices

    Good engineering practices are the tools that help agile teams to deliver shippable products. Although many engineering practices have proved to be effective, they are not as widely used as they should be. Agile anti-patterns like the software testing ice-cream cone, accumulating technical debt and functional silos prevent teams from delivering a potentially releasable product.

  • Continuous Updating Tool VersionEye Now Open Source

    VersionEye open-sourced its eponymous continuous integration tool that helps with updated project dependencies. Coined "continuous updating", the tool provides update notifications, licence checking and security vulnerabilities information for many software libraries. By open-sourcing the software, VersionEye founder Robert Reiz intends to increase trust and transparency of the code base.

  • Puppet Releases Docker-Focused Features in Project Blueshift

    In context of its Project Blueshift, Puppet has added a new set of Docker images for running Puppet software released to Docker Hub. Blueshift is a demonstration of solutions to the problem of managing heterogeneous software, using Puppet as the unified way of managing the new software stack.

  • Applying Supply Chain Management to Deliver Faster with Higher Quality

    Supply chain management can raise the bar with continuous development, argues Joshua Corman, Director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative and co-founder of Rugged Software. Our dependence on IT and software is growing faster than our ability to secure it, and applying supply chain approaches to software development helps to address complexity which reduces risks and increases quality.

  • Bitbucket Pipelines Provides Continuous Delivery within Atlassian’s Bitbucket Cloud

    Atlassian released Bitbucket Pipelines beta at AtlasCamp 2016 in Barcelona to provide a Continuous Delivery pipeline within Bitbucket Cloud. At the same time, Atlassian announced the end-of-life for their current cloud based CI/CD solution Bamboo Cloud by 31 January 2017, while emphasizing that Bamboo Server continues to be their on-premise CI/CD offering for Bitbucket Server (formerly Stash).

  • RightScale DevOps Trends Report: Docker Adoption Rising in the Enterprise, Chef and Puppet Dominate

    RightScale published the results of its survey report highlighting the devops trends in the industry. Docker, Puppet and Chef dominate the tools market, with Docker adoption rising in the enterprise.

  • DevOps Days Kiel Day 2

    Round up of the talks at DevOps Days Kiel's second day.

  • Continuous Deployment at Instagram

    Instagram's continuous deployment pipeline lets them push code faster to production, identify bad commits easily and always be release ready. Put together in an iterative manner over a period of time, the key principles behind it include a high quality test suite, quick identification of bad commits, visibility at each stage to improve buy-in from stakeholders and a working rollback plan.

  • Concourse: Scalable Open Source CI Pipeline Tool

    Concourse, an open source CI pipeline tool that uses yaml files for configuring pipelines and configuration-free setup, has recently bumped its major release and is currently available in version 1.1.0. Major conceptual benefits of Concourse are explicit and first-class support of pipelines, running isolated builds in containers, avoidance of snowflake build servers and easy access to build logs.

  • Atlassian Bamboo 5.11 Delivers Continuous Integration At Scale

    Atlassian, makers of development tools such as JIRA and Confluence, have just released version 5.11 of their continuous delivery tool Bamboo with a host of new features to help teams scale and collaborate. The key feature in this new release is the ability to scale from 100 to 250 elastic build agents.

  • How Code is Built at Netflix

    Netflix does not require any team to use particular deployment tools, but teams are responsible for maintaining the tools they implement. Centralized teams at Netflix offer a set of tools to reduce the cognitive load of the majority of their engineers. This tool set uses Nebula, GIT, Jenkins, and Spinnaker to build Amazon Machine Images very efficiently and very quickly.