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  • Jenkins 2.0 Beta Available, Adds New Pipeline Build System

    Jenkins 2.0 beta is now available which includes a new Pipeline build delivery system using a DSL built on Groovy. That feature and a new user setup process aims to give users most of what the need out of the box.

  • DevOps Dashboard Hygieia Aggregates End-to-End View of the Delivery Pipeline

    Version 2.0 of open source project Hygieia adds support for multiple teams and a corresponding consolidated view into a program-level dashboard, a Jenkins output publisher and a GitHub Webhook consumer. Hygieia integrates story tracking, repository, build, quality, deploy and monitoring tool widgets on a single-pane-of-glass HTML client that enables an easy access to important DevOps metrics.

  • jDays 2016 Round-Up

    On 8th and 9th March, the jDays Conference was hosted in Gothenburg, Sweden, followed by an additional day of optional workshops. Currently in its third edition, jDays congregated forty speakers from several different countries, who covered a varied range of topics with a special emphasis in the Java language, methodologies and practices, and front-end technologies.

  • New ChatOps Platform with Enterprise Features announced Cog, a ChatOps platform that provides fine-grained access control, UNIX-like pipelining of commands and audit logging features.

  • Continuous Delivery for (Smart) Trucks

    Peter Thorngren, from Volvo Trucks, explains how the future world of smart trucks and autonomous transportation systems rely deeply on continuous delivery techniques like virtualization, test automation and continuous integration.

  • Patrick Debois Bringing DevOps to Mobile Delivery

    Patrick Debois, founder of DevOps Days conferences, together with AWS's Trent Peterson and Etsy's Nassim Kammah, are organizing Mobile Delivery Days, a new conference for discussing the entire mobile delivery tool chain, from building and testing to publishing automation, production support (logging, instrumentation, monitoring) and (A/B) testing.

  • Creating Microservice Deployment Pipelines with Netflix’s Spinnaker: A Perspective from Google

    At the microXchg 2016 conference, held in Berlin, Rick Buskens presented “Microservice Deployment Pipelines with Spinnaker”, which discussed the collaboration between Netflix and Google on the Netflix-conceived Spinnaker continuous delivery platform. Spinnaker can be used to create build pipelines for safe and predictable deployment of microservice applications across multiple cloud providers.

  • Netflix Spinnaker: Enabling Global Deployments

    Netflix has released Spinnaker, their continuous delivery platform, as an open source project. Spinnaker allows you to build pipelines that represent a delivery process and execute them to produce a deployment. It's a compatible replacement for Asgard, so an all-or-nothing migration to Spinnaker isn't required.

  • Feature Toggles Revisited

    Proper implementation of feature toggles based on a categorisation of their longevity and dynamism helps dealing with their operational complexity according to Pete Hodgson, consultant at ThoughtWorks. In his post he expands Martin Fowler's FeatureToggle pattern and proposes Release, Ops, Experiment and Permission Toggle implementation strategies.

  • Secrets Management with Chef-Vault

    Secret management is a difficult problem in a distributed and scalable environment. Chef-vault is a Chef tool built on top of encrypted data bags that eliminates the need to share the decryption key with all users and nodes of an infrastructure.

  • Ansible 2.0 Generally Available Shortly After Red Hat Acquisition

    Ansible Inc. has recently released Ansible v2.0. With this version the company makes a great refactoring effort while trying to maintain backwards compatibility with existing playbooks. The announcement includes improvements like handling exceptions in blocks, bringing new strategies when executing different tasks or improving connection with other services through modules.

  • How Database Administration Fits into DevOps

    InfoQ interviewed Dan North about the activities that are performed by database administrators and how they are related to those done by developers and by operations, how database administration is usually organized, how the database fits into DevOps or Continuous Delivery, and what he expects that the future will bring for database administration when organizations adopt DevOps.

  • Clair Helps Secure Docker Images

    Clair is an open-source container vulnerability scanner recently released by CoreOs. The tool cross-checks if a Docker image's operating system and any of its installed packages match any known insecure package versions. The vulnerabilities are fetched from OS-specific common vulnerabilities and exposures databases. Currently supported are Red Hat, Ubuntu, and Debian.

  • End-to-End Testing Considered Harmful: A Q&A with Steve Smith

    InfoQ recently sat down with Steve Smith and discussed the ideas behind his recent blog post “End-to-End Testing Considered Harmful”. Smith talked about release testing being a form of ‘risk management theatre’, discussed the benefit of unit and acceptance testing, and stressed the value of monitoring at runtime versus the typically fragile and slow-running implementation of end-to-end testing.

  • Having the Right Mix of IT, Culture and Practice for DevOps

    An interview with Nicole Forsgren about why organizations are starting to embrace DevOps methods, how being able to deploy fast can also increase IT stability, what to focus upon when changing the organizational culture to improve performance, how lean management can help to increase the performance, and asked her for advice when organizations want to apply DevOps to increase their performance.