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Dealing with Cognitive Load Using Observability
We can make good decisions with speed when we limit the cognitive load on any one person or team. Observability can help to increase delivery speed, by providing information to developers that helps them to make decisions quickly.
GitLab 15 Improves Editing, Metrics, Container Scanning, Security and More
With the recent release of GitLab version 15.2, open-core company GitLab Inc. has announced a series of improvements, including an enhanced Wiki editor, adding SAML integration for enterprises, improving dashboards, and adding internal notes.
Microsoft Introduces a New Way for Faster Building Cloud Apps with Azure Developer CLI
Recently Microsoft introduced the public preview of the Azure Developer CLI (azd) — a new, open-source tool that accelerates the time it takes to get started on Azure. It provides developer-friendly commands that map to essential stages in the developer workflow: code, build, deploy, monitor, and repeat.
Trust-Driven Development: Accelerate Delivery and Increase Creativity
By building trust you can break silos, foster collaboration, increase focus, and enable people to come up with creative solutions for products and for improving their processes. The DevOps movement was created to break the silos in the organisations; trust can be built by organising pair programming across various functions and various teams.
Applying Observability to Increase Delivery Speed and Flow in Teams
When we design team and departmental processes, we want to know what’s happening in the software teams. Asking team members to provide information or fill in fields in tools adds a burden and distorts reality. Setting up observability in the software can provide alternative insights in a less intrusive way. Observability in the software can be an asset to organizing teams.
JFrog Artifactory Supports Binary Dependencies for Swift
JFrog has announced its Artifactory repository can be used as a binary package registry for Swift dependencies using the Swift Package Manager.
Microsoft Launches the Public Preview of Dynatrace for Azure as a SaaS Solution in Their Marketplace
Microsoft recently announced Dynatrace for Azure, a natively integrated software (SaaS) solution from Dynatrace available in preview in the Azure Marketplace.
GitHub Extends Its Supply Chain Security to Rust
GitHub has brought Rust support to its supply chain security feature. Aimed to ensure your project and its dependencies are free of vulnerabilities, GitHub supply chain security includes a database of advisories, a dependency graph analyzer, and Dependabot alerts and security updates.
GitHub Enterprise Server 3.5 Improves Security, Updates GitHub Actions, and More
The latest release of GitHub Enterprise Server brings many new features with a special emphasis on security and compliance, says GitHub, including Dependabot integration, improved security features, updates to GitHub Actions, and more.
How Removing Staging Environments Can Improve Your Deployments
Squeaky - a company which helps businesses to understand how visitors are using their website or web app without invading their privacy - have outlined why they don’t use a staging environment. They believe that this helps them to ship faster, and lower the number of issues found in production.
BBC New Serverless Platform Improves Scalability and Performance
One year into the transition to their new WebCore serverless platform, the BBC has started to reap the benefits of an architecture that removes the burden on engineers to solve performance and operational challenges and allows them to focus on the value they deliver to customers.
CircleCI Report Finds Successful Software Teams are Larger and Test Extensively
CircleCI - a continuous integration and continuous delivery platform - has released the findings from their 2022 State of Software Delivery Report. The report reveals that the most successful software delivery teams are larger, use extensive testing, and prioritise being ready to deploy.
Dockerfile Linter Hadolint Brings Fixes and Improvements, and Support for ARM64 Binaries
After a long wait, recent Hadolint releases have brought a number of fixes, improvements, and support for ARM64 binaries.
NubesGen Brings Git Push to Azure Infrastructure
With a new command-line interface (CLI) available in its v0.8.0 release, NubesGen can now automatically find its configuration, and set up a GitOps workflow for deploying Infrastructure as Code into Azure, allowing developers to easily get up and running with cloud infrastructure for their projects. InfoQ interviewed Julien Dubois, project leader of NubesGen, on the product and where it’s headed.
Google's Managed Continuous Delivery Service for Kubernetes Moves to GA
Google has announced the GA release of Google Cloud Deploy, their managed continuous delivery service for Google Kubernetes Engine. The service provides declarative builds that persist with a given release, support for connecting external workflows, and detailed security and auditing controls