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InfoQ Homepage Automated Deployment Content on InfoQ

  • GitHub Boxen: Automating Mac OS X Configuration and Management

    GitHub has open sourced Boxen used internally for automated configuration of Mac laptops, a tool that could be converted to set up Linux or Windows machines.

  • VMware Strengthens Influence In Configuration Management Tools

    VMware added $30 million to its initial investment into Puppet Labs, makers of the Open Source configuration management tool Puppet. Commenters seem to agree that its a good move for Puppet Labs and that Puppet will keep supporting any type of infrastructure avoiding vendor lock-in.

  • DevOpsDays New York 2013

    The participants of the Food Fight Show podcast summarized DevOpsDays New York 2013 with one word: culture. They agreed that you can't go in and "make" a culture, but the culture depends on the character of the people. If you've got people on your teams who take responsibility for the bigger picture - who are seeing things through from end to end, chances are that they build a Devops culture.

  • Trends in the latest Technology Radar

    ThoughtWorks's latest "Technology Radar" focuses on mobile, accessible analytics, simple architectures, reproducible environments, and data persistence done right.

  • Solving Difficult System Problems with a DevOps Culture

    Michael Stanke, director of software delivery at Puppet Labs, has written on SysAdvent about how DevOps is the development of a culture that can successfully overcome complex and difficult system thinking problems. Michael shares his experience of transitioning into a new position full of opportunities to make technical and process oriented contributions.

  • Puppet Labs and EMC open source next-generation provisioning tool: Razor

    Puppet Labs and EMC announced last month the availability of Razor, an open source cloud-provisioning tool that allows automated provisioning and inventory of bare metal machines as well as virtual machines based on user-defined tagging rules. The tool currently deploys as a Puppet module and is licensed under Apache 2.0.

  • Is Chef Ready for the Enterprise?

    During last month’s first Chef conference in San Francisco, Chris Brown, Opscode CTO, presented the “state of the union” regarding the future of Chef, claiming that the known infrastructure management tool is now ready to use in complex enterprise environments running on heterogeneous platforms.

  • Thoughtworks Technology Radar March 2012

    ThoughtWorks recently published the latest update to its Technology Radar; a report produced to help technology decision makers understand emerging trends in software development techniques, tools, languages and platforms. There are some interesting observations of interest to Agile software development teams.

  • Making Technical Community More Active - 2011 Year-End Review of Baidu Technical Salon

    Baidu Technical Salon is a regular offline communication activity hosted by Baidu, planned, executed and implemented by InfoQ. The topics included cloud computing, mobile Internet, big data, log analysis and other current popular topics. This article mainly reviews Baidu’s support for technical community via Technical Salon, community’s feedbacks on these activities as well as a brief plan in 2012

  • The Agile Community Needs to Embrace... Agile Thought Leaders at YOW! Australia 2011

    What is the most important thing that the Agile community needs to embrace in 2012 and beyond? InfoQ had the opportunity to attend the recent YOW! Australia Software Developer Conference and took the opportunity of having such a large number of Agile speakers in one place to sit in on the sessions and ask them their thoughts on this question.

  • Is Velocity Killing Agile?

    Velocity, the measure of work completed by the team divided by the time taken to complete it, is increasingly being used to manage the productivity of a team and as a comparison between teams. Jim Highsmith, Mark Levison, and Scott Ambler discuss the misuse of velocity as a productivity measure.

  • Java EE PaaS Providers

    A survey conducted by Red Hat at this year's VMworld implied a strong demand for Java EE based PaaS, but such products are thin on the ground. We take a look at two contenders, CloudBees' RUN@cloud, and Red Hat's own OpenShift.

  • What Agile Architecture and Hurricanes have in Common

    In a recent presentation at SATURN 2011 Eric Richardson has drawn some analogies between architects in an agile environment and hurricane meteorologists. For example, both produce various forecasts respectively documents, use many kinds of data sources as inputs, and employ different techniques to acquire data. The question arises is: what can architects learn from meteorologists?

  • Unix Orchestration Roundup: Tools for Programmatic Systems Administration

    While system administrators have always written code to automate tasks and many developers run their own systems, the melding of development and operations into devops has really taken hold as sophisticated configuration management and orchestration tools have become available.

  • Adobe Released Puppet Recipes for Hadoop

    Recently Adobe released Puppet recipes that they are using to automate Hadoop/HBase deployments to the community. InfoQ spoke with Luke Kanies, founder of PuppetLabs, to learn more about what this means.