InfoQ Homepage Automated Deployment Content on InfoQ
Lean'ing at Crowdtap
Kareem Kouddous presents using SOA, JavaScript MVC, continuous deployment and Kanban for the development of 12 applications.
The Cable Company Does Continuous [delivery] WHAT?
Joe Campbell and Wally Eggert discuss the tools and approaches used to introduce Continuous Delivery at CIM without having any major disruptions to their existing delivery flow.
Screwing Up For Less
Stephen Hardisty presents how Etsy delivers products without having project managers, business analysts, or testers.
Versioning our Versioning Strategy: Domain-Specific Tooling to Support Continuous Delivery
Ian Goodsell discusses the challenges encountered with tool versioning and new approaches needed to support continuous delivery.
Racing Thru the Last Mile: Cloud Delivery & Web-Scale Deployment
Alex Papadimoulis conducts a tutorial on delivery and deployment at scale.
Managing Experimentation in a Continuously Deployed Environment
Wil Stuckey explains how Etsy manages to deploy nearly ~10,000 changes in one year, and how they run A/B experiments in the midst of continual code change.
PuppetDB: Sneaking Clojure into Sysadmins' Toolkits
Deepak Giridharagopal discusses the Clojure solution implemented for PuppetDB, a centralized storage solution for Puppet.
Feedback-based Evolutionary Design
Graham Brooks explores internal measurements used in a continuous delivery feedback mechanism in order to improve a system's design.
A Continuous Delivery Maturity Model
Eric Minick discusses continuous delivery challenges in the enterprise where large projects, distributed teams or strict governance requirements have resulted in increased automation efforts.
The Strangler Pipeline: Winning over Hearts and Minds
Steve Smith shares some of the change patterns used to establish continuous delivery at Sky Network Services over the past 2 years, and how they fit into an optimal cycle time strategy.
The Process, Technology and Practice of Continuous Delivery
Dave Farley introduces the ideas of Continuous Delivery as a practical everyday process, using some of the techniques and technologies from a real world project as an example.
Polygot Architecture for Rapid Release: Friend or Foe?
Rachel Laycock discusses using a polyglot build and deployment infrastructure that makes life easier.