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InfoQ Homepage Automated testing Content on InfoQ

  • The Strengths and Weaknesses of Microservices

    There has been significant buzz around microservices lately, enough to generate some hype. After implementing heavy and cumbersome SOA solutions for more than a decade, are microservices the solution the industry has been waiting for? Or, are microservices simpler than monolithic solutions?

  • Facebook Open-Sources PlanOut, a Framework for Online Field Experiments

    PlanOut is Facebook's language for online field experiments supporting "A/B tests," factorial designs, and more. According to Facebook, PlanOut makes possible to separate experimental design from application code and allows experimenters to concisely describe their designs. Facebook claims to be using PlanOut to run over a thousand experiments each day that involve hundreds of millions of people.

  • Lessons Learned from Apple's GoToFail Bug

    The recent security weakness found in both iOS and OS X hints at flaws in coding style guidelines, unit testing, system testing, code review policies, error management strategies, and tools deployment. An overview.

  • Appurify and Xamarin Launch Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps on Variety of Devices

    Two recently launched services, Appurify Mobile Platform and Xamarin Test Cloud, promise to help developers and enterprises automate testing and performance optimization of their mobile apps by allowing them to run apps on real iOS and Android devices and supporting automated testing and continuous integration.

  • Google Espresso: Fast Automated Android UI Testing in the Cloud

    Google has open sourced Espresso, an Android automated testing framework that enables one to run tests on x86 machines in the cloud in a multi-threaded environment, solving the concurrency issues associated with UI testing.

  • Latest Technology Trends on the Radar

    Thoughtworks recently released a new installment of their technology radar highlighting techniques enabling infrastructure as code, perimeterless enterprises, applying proven practices to areas without, and lightweight analytics.

  • Perceptual Testing for Safer Continuous Deployment

    Brett Slatkin from Google presented a method for visual regression testing at Velocity 2013 in Santa Clara. Perceptual diff compares screenshots of a release's webpages with its previous versions and detects changes at pixel level, filling an important gap in automated testing for Continuous Deployment. An open source version of the software has been setup on github.

  • Sauce Labs Appium Now Can Test Android and Firefox OS Apps

    Sauce Labs has extended Appium to support automated testing for Android and Firefox OS applications. Support for iOS was introduced earlier this year.

  • Jenkins CI Server Plugin Drives SOASTA CloudTest Server

    Earlier this month, SOASTA and CloudBees released a plugin for the Jenkins continuous integration (or CI) server to run automated tests on real physical mobile devices. SOASTA released this plugin with optimizations that were developed by the creator of Jenkins, Kohsuke Kawaguchi. The plugin provides build steps for performing operations and testing mobile devices.

  • Use Canary Deployments to Test in Production

    Companies use "Canary Deployments" to test software in production by routing a subset of users to new functionality as part of continuous delivery according to Nolio in their 1st video in a series about DevOps Best Practices. A "Canary Deployment" is a type of incremental release performed by deploying a new version of software side by side with its production version counterpart.

  • Stripe Open Sources Abba, an A/B Testing Framework

    Stripe has open sourced their JavaScript A/B testing framework called Abba.

  • Trends in the latest Technology Radar

    ThoughtWorks's latest "Technology Radar" focuses on mobile, accessible analytics, simple architectures, reproducible environments, and data persistence done right.

  • Community-Driven Research: Top Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Toolsets

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with an 13th question: "Top Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Toolsets". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.

  • Twitter Open Sources Clutch

    Clutch enables developers to write hybrid applications for iOS and to run A/B test experiments on iOS and Android devices.

  • Pradeep Soundararajan on the Negative Effects of Enforced Manual Testing

    In his blog “Tester Tested!” Pradeep Soundararajan recently published an interesting show case called "Story from a company that built "the best software testing tool". The blog author describes what happens if for business reasons testers are forced to perform tests manually in a "boring" routine activity.