Início Deep Learning no InfoQ Brasil
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AI and ML, separating hype from what actually matters
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Deploying Machine Learning Models in Practice
The talk will cover various options for the most popular and widely used ML libraries, including MLeap, TF Serving and open standards such as PMML, PFA and the recently announced ONNX for Deep Le(...)
Hardware, IoT e Machine Learning - Desafios e aprendizados na criação de produtos conectados no Brasil: Caso GreenAnt
A GreenAnt é uma empresa de gestão energética com processamento em cloud dos dados brutos de energia com algoritmos de inteligência computacional. O objetivo da palestra é contar o processo e os (...)
How Artificial Intelligence has changed your life
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all around us and has profound effects on our work and everyday lives. AI amplifies human ingenuity with intelligent technology, keeping people in control while au(...)
Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning
In this talk we discuss adversarial attacks formally and informally, and summarize the debate on: are adversarial images a big catastrophic failure? an amusing curiosity? something in-between? We(...)
Machine Learning em saúde: técnicas e aplicações
Nesta palestra vamos falar sobre a aplicação de Gradient Boosting, Deep Learning e Unsupervised Learning em projetos da área de Saúde, com base em aplicações reais que vão desde a previsão de co(...)
EY Aleph: deep learning applied to jurimetrics practice
The jurimetrics practice in Brazil, when exists, usually is done with local data from legal offices using data collected from its own cases using time-consuming manual processes. Our approach is(...)
Hindsight bias: A machine learning story
In this session, you'll learn about data leakage (aka label leakage) challenges while building Salesforce Einstein and the methods we used to detect and fix them automatically.
Panel: Kaggle as stepping stone for a Data Scientist career
In this panel we will see a talk about data science competitions and how this can change your career.
Deep Recommender Systems
In this talk, you will understand the big picture of state-of-art RecSys techniques based on DL. We’ll present a practical example of News Recommendation implemented with Tensorflow. We’ll also i(...)
Recomendação de conteúdo na escala do iFood
Nesta palestra vamos apresentar os desafios relacionados a recomendação de conteúdo na escala do iFood e como temos trabalhado para aumentar a personalização do seu aplicativo. Serão abordados te(...)
Extracting Entities and Relations in Portuguese Documents
This talk describes an application developed to interpret documents, extracting important information. A pipeline of machine learning models comprising Named-Entity Recognition and Relation Extra(...)