Início Machine Learning no InfoQ Brasil
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Improving customer value estimation by predicting conversion
The objective of this presentation is to describe the challenges of modeling a customer conversion predictor using real leads data observed on different levels of the conversion funnel. It will i(...)
Learning from Data and Background knowledge
It is often possible to combine observed data with background knowledge, expressed as a set of rules or as a terminology. There has been significant work on the combination of data-centered metho(...)
Building Machine Learning Service in your business
When making machine learning applications in Uber, we identified a sequence of common practices and painful procedures, and thus built a machine learning platform as a service. We here present th(...)
Solving a business problem in 2 weeks using machine learning
Machine Learning techniques are amazing to solve a bunch of complex business problems efficiently and also in a very fast manner with all of the available tools that we have nowadays. We will sho(...)
Improving a recommendation engine with transfer learning
In this talk, we will describe how we improved an online vacation retailer recommender system by using the information in images. We’ll explain how to leverage open data and pre-trained deep lear(...)
Shortening the time from analysis to deployment with ML-as-a-Service
This presentation shows one architecture design using RESTful resources, document oriented databases and pre-trained pipelines to achieve real-time predictions of time series with high availabili(...)
Building ML application locally with Spark
An introduction about a powerful machine learning library (MLlib) along with an overview of Spark, describing how to launch applications within a cluster. A demo will show how to simulate a Spark(...)
Criando produtos de Data Science & AI: da proposta ao deploy
Vou compartilhar com vocês algumas técnicas e experiências de criação de produtos de Data Science & Inteligência Artificial que ajudam a aumentar a visibilidade da gestão, manter um foco de negóc(...)
Practical Machine Learning Models to prevent Revenue Loss
We offer a demonstration of machine learning (ML) to create an intelligent application based on distributed system data. We'll show ML techniques in the development of a data analysis application(...)
Transformando buscas em solução de problemas com analytics e machine learning
Nessa palestra vamos explorar como os usuários da Elastic Stack lidam com as questões de busca combinada com análise estruturada e machine learning.
Classificação de padrões: uma abordagem prática com Redes Neurais Artificiais
Saiba como utilizar redes neurais artificiais para classificar padrões a partir de um conjunto de treino. Everton desmistifica a matemática dessa tecnologia e realiza experimentos em Python.
Machine Learning na escala do Google
Entenda como funciona o "cérebro do Google" e aprofunde seu conhecimento sobre redes neurais e deep learning. Uma tecnologia disponível para quem busca inovação, segurança e escalabilidade.