Início Inteligência Artificial no InfoQ Brasil
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Machine Learning applied to judicial decisions
In this talk, we show how a platform with an artificial intelligence engine can be applied to solve the tax execution problem in the Brazilian Judiciary. We will focus on the barriers, basic step(...)
Building web apps with Cloud and AI
In this talk you will learn what you need to know in order to build intelligent Cloud solutions with power of AI and Machine Learning. From architecting cloud infrastructure to building UI with T(...)
How Artificial Intelligence has changed your life
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all around us and has profound effects on our work and everyday lives. AI amplifies human ingenuity with intelligent technology, keeping people in control while au(...)
Ensemble Techniques for High Performance Machine Learning
In this talk, Gilberto Titericz presented some ensembling techniques to boost the performance of machine learning algorithms and improve the quality of the predictions. He also remarked the impor(...)
Deep NLP - Redes neurais revolucionando o processamento de linguagem natural
Processamento de linguagem natural está em todos os lugares: em chatbots, em assistentes virtuais como a Siri, em tradução simultânea e até nas respostas sugeridas para os seus emails. Nesta pale(...)
Machine Learning e experimentos online para evitar o cancelamento de assinaturas no GloboPlay
Vamos explorar técnicas de Machine Learning utilizadas para reduzir o churn do GloboPlay principalmente para encontrar os assinantes mais prováveis de cancelar e as métricas correlacionadas, espe(...)
Panel: ML ecosystem in Brazil
Um bate papo sobre o cenário de Machine Learning no Brasil
Machine Learning em saúde: técnicas e aplicações
Nesta palestra vamos falar sobre a aplicação de Gradient Boosting, Deep Learning e Unsupervised Learning em projetos da área de Saúde, com base em aplicações reais que vão desde a previsão de co(...)
Deep Recommender Systems
In this talk, you will understand the big picture of state-of-art RecSys techniques based on DL. We’ll present a practical example of News Recommendation implemented with Tensorflow. We’ll also i(...)
Recomendação de conteúdo na escala do iFood
Nesta palestra vamos apresentar os desafios relacionados a recomendação de conteúdo na escala do iFood e como temos trabalhado para aumentar a personalização do seu aplicativo. Serão abordados te(...)
Extracting Entities and Relations in Portuguese Documents
This talk describes an application developed to interpret documents, extracting important information. A pipeline of machine learning models comprising Named-Entity Recognition and Relation Extra(...)
AI-based Assistant for Business Process Outsourcing
The BPO ASSISTANT distributes tickets to attendants, predict attendant performance and levels of proficiency, and provides a recommendation service to solve tickets faster. We describe a framewor(...)