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SpringOne 2GX 2014

SpringOne 2GX 2014 Conference Videos

To serve you better, we are filming all the tracks at SpringOne 2GX and publishing them for registered attendees-only to watch within DAYS of SpringOne 2GX.
Now you can choose what session to go to and see any you missed!

*Note: The sessions that show the status "Not published yet" have not been released yet.*

If you have any problems authenticating for the video or if you have any comments please contact

Dia 1 - Terça-feira, Setembro 9

TRACK Core Groovy
Groovy in 2014 and beyond Guillaume Laforge
Understanding Groovy Typing Venkat Subramaniam
Groovy, in the light of Java 8 Guillaume Laforge
Digging into Groovy Metaprogramming Venkat Subramaniam
Making Spring Boot Even Groovier Graeme Rocher

Dia 2 - Quarta-feira, Setembro 10

Dia 3 - Quinta-feira, Setembro 11