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Building your own flavored Markdown with Ruby
While not all markdown is born the same, few standards exists, but each one with their own set of extensions and quirks. You are going to learn how to build yet another one that suits your own ne(...)
Writing a simple game in Rust
We will learn some basic concepts of game development and how to implement them in Rust. In the end, we will have a simple but fully functional snake game running.
Handling Go Errors (at The New York Times)
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It's about (run)time - Elixir beyond the hype
In this talk, we are going to do a deep dive into what lies beyond Elixir - the Erlang/OTP runtime - and explore what makes this adoption worthwhile. We will see how the runtime differs from the (...)
Deferred rendering e fetching com GraphQL e React
This talk approaches how Concurrent React and GraphQL defer strategies helps to solve the frontend dichotomy. The frontend dichotomy is the two opposing forces, where one wants to prerender and (...)
Modeling GraphQL APIs
Essa talk fala sobre como é imprecindível entender profundamente dos conceitos que estão por trás do GraphQL e de como eles nos levam a escrever o schema graphql da forma certa, usando todo o pod(...)
Explorando o Cross Compiling do Golang para ambiente embarcado
Golang é uma linguagem fantástica para se desenvolver aplicações e um fator a ser explorado é o seu uso em dispositivos IoT. A linguagem já conta com diversas ferramentas de cross-compile, alguns(...)
Terminal With Your Life
I'll talk about the overview of terminal system stack and details of GNU Readline and terminal tools. I'm writing "Reline" that is Ruby's new Readline compatible implementation, and writing some (...)
Uma experiência open-source com React Native, GraphQL e Relay Modern
Uma palestra sobre uma experiencia open source utilizando react native relay modern e graphql
Elegant R: Tips from a Software Developer
R is an extremely productive language for data science. Because of my software development background, I've put a lot of effort in finding techniques and packages to make my code as elegant and c(...)