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Início Apresentações Building ML application locally with Spark

Building ML application locally with Spark



An introduction about a powerful machine learning library (MLlib) along with an overview of Spark, describing how to launch applications within a cluster. A demo will show how to simulate a Spark cluster in a local machine using images available on a Docker Hub public repository, and another demo will show how to save time using unit tests for validating jobs before running them in a cluster.


Joel has received his Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Univ. Fed. de Pelotas (Brazil) in 2005 and his PhD in Informatics from Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) in 2010. For two years, he was part of the R&D sector of HP Brazil and he was responsible for building recommender systems architectures in Mobjoy Games. In the last three years, he works as a data scientist in Tail Target.

Sobre o Evento

Nos dias 21 e 22 de Junho de 2017, São Paulo recebeu a primeira edição do Connect no Brasil. Com o intuito de apresentar casos reais de utilização de Machine Learning, o PAPIs contou com mais de 20 palestras apresentando cases e ferramentas de empresas nacionais e internacionais.

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08 set 2017