Início Apresentações CRI-O: All the Runtime Kubernetes need
CRI-O: All the Runtime Kubernetes need
CRI-O is a brand new container runtime dedicated and optimized to support kubernetes workload. This talk will describe the CRI-O architecture as well as demonstrate different kubernetes features running on top of CRI-O exercising the CRI API. The attendees will learn how to configure CRI-O with kubernetes and use it for their workloads.
Antonio Murdaca is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat working on containers for OpenShift. He is a Core Maintainer of docker (now Moby) and the OCI selinux library. He’s the inventor of skopeo, a tool to work with containers images and widely used by many other projects. He is one of the lead developer of CRI-O.
Sobre o Evento
Entre 09 e 11 de maio, São Paulo recebeu a décima primeira edição brasileira do QCon. Organizado pelo InfoQ Brasil e com palestras selecionadas por um comitê independente, esta edição contou com 3 keynotes, 86 palestras e 92 palestrantes.