Início Apresentações Deep Learning for sentiment analysis
Deep Learning for sentiment analysis
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are already proven to be the state of art technique for image classification projects. However, some recent research found that it can be also used for some text classification problems such as sentiment analysis.This talk presents some definitions about what CNNs are and shows a little bit code about how to build one in a little Sentiment Analysis project.
André Barbosa works as a Data Scientist/ML Engineer at Elo7 where he develops and designs several machine learning solutions over a broad area that goes from computer vision to nlp. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems from EACH/USP.
Sobre o Evento
Nos dias 21 e 22 de Junho de 2017, São Paulo recebeu a primeira edição do Connect no Brasil. Com o intuito de apresentar casos reais de utilização de Machine Learning, o PAPIs contou com mais de 20 palestras apresentando cases e ferramentas de empresas nacionais e internacionais.