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Início Apresentações Designing Experiences for Chatbots

Designing Experiences for Chatbots



Chatbots came with it's promise to be a revolution in the way we interact with software, communicate with brands and commit with tasks. It's the last big change in user experience since the touch screen's arrival with the iOS. Here we will see some experiences and challenges designing user experiences for chatbot users.


I've been in software development since my 15 years old with past experience in Ruby, PHP and javascript for the last 8 years. In the free time I contribute in cool projects such as Angular Material, OpenEmu. I'm currently acting as a UX designer in the largest B2B company in latam offering customer support (chat, e-mail, faq and bot) solutions for all markets.

Sobre o Evento

THE CONF was founded in 2017 as an annual conference to fill the gap of instituting an International-level event in Brazil, where all speakers present in English. That way we can finally have a body of presentations that anyone in the world can consume and a venue where anyone in the world can attend. The goal is to showcase what interesting new tech, such as Data Sciences, Brazilians are working on, and integrate nearby countries and the rest of the world in the future.

Gravado em:

28 fev 2018