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Início Apresentações EY Aleph: deep learning applied to jurimetrics practice

EY Aleph: deep learning applied to jurimetrics practice



The jurimetrics practice in Brazil, when exists, usually is done with local data from legal offices using data collected from its own cases using time-consuming manual processes. Our approach is based on data collection of all public data combined with our workforce of lawyers to create trained datasets in order to use in natural language processing deep learning models for attributes extraction.


Michel is Chief engineer of Beyond Labs, innovation lab from EY. Teacher of post-graduate of Machine Learning, Fullstack Development, Mobile Application Development courses at FIAP. Master of Artificial Intelligence in FEI. Rafael - With background in Journalism, Social Sciences and Data Science, Rafael Kenski is a Senior Manager at EY, where he works in innovation projects for the TAX Department.

Sobre o Evento

O DevConf é um evento de tecnologia sem fins lucrativos organizado pelo Opensanca, a maior comunidade ativa de tecnologia do interior de São Paulo, em parceria com a UFSCar e IFSP São Carlos. O Evento aconteceu no dia 5 de maio de 2018 em São Carlos e contou com aproximadamente 200 participantes, entre estudantes, profissionais de tecnologia e entusiastas da região!

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19 out. 2018