Disseminando conhecimento e inovação em desenvolvimento de software corporativo.



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Início Apresentações From "Hello, World!" to "Hello, Smart City!"

From "Hello, World!" to "Hello, Smart City!"



You are an expert in your favorite programming language, but what can you do with it to develop smart city solutions? Calil, who created and coordinated the Innovation Laboratory of São Paulo City Hall, will present technological solutions to the problems of everyday life in a city. Say "Hello!" to the world of smart cities!


Software development professional specialized in bank automation, working for 27 years in companies like SID Informática, De La Rue Cash Systems and Diebold. He has already worked as World Bank consultant in transportation matters and also as SP City Hall Innovation Laboratory coordinator. He now is creating LabNaVeia, an innovation lab that will be specialized in Smart Cities and Computer Vision.

Sobre o Evento

THE CONF was founded in 2017 as an annual conference to fill the gap of instituting an International-level event in Brazil, where all speakers present in English. That way we can finally have a body of presentations that anyone in the world can consume and a venue where anyone in the world can attend. The goal is to showcase what interesting new tech, such as Data Sciences, Brazilians are working on, and integrate nearby countries and the rest of the world in the future.

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08 fev. 2018