Início Apresentações Full-Stack IoT in Go
Full-Stack IoT in Go
This talk will present our journey implementing, a full stack IoT cloud project programmed only using Go. We did it from the device to the frontend, passing through machine learning and more fun stuff. Last but not least, was completely based on open source code and runs at no cost.
After a technician degree in informatics at IFAL, an undergraduate degree in Computer Science at UFCG and MSc in the same area at UFMG, Daniel Fireman started working at Google. Currently, Daniel Fireman is back to IFAL as professor and also back at the UFCG, where he is a Ph.D. student.
Sobre o Evento
O Gophercon 2018 é o maior evento da América Latina dedicado à linguagem de programação Go. A edição desse ano aconteceu de 27 a 29 de setembro em Florianópolis.