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Início Apresentações Go as a scripting language in Linux

Go as a scripting language in Linux



Why use Go as a scripting language? Short answer: why not? Go is relatively easy to learn, not too verbose and there is a huge ecosystem of libraries which can be reused to avoid writing all the code from scratch. This talk describes a way how one can use some advanced features of binary execution on Linux to overcome previous problems and make Go truly native scripting language.


Ignat is a systems engineer at Cloudare working mostly on platform and hardware security. Ignat’s interests are cryptography, hacking, and low-level programming. Before Cloudare, Ignatworked as senior security engineer for Samsung Electronics’ Mobile Communications Division. His solutions may be found in many older Samsung smart phones and tablets.

Sobre o Evento

Entre 09 e 11 de maio, São Paulo recebeu a décima primeira edição brasileira do QCon. Organizado pelo InfoQ Brasil e com palestras selecionadas por um comitê independente, esta edição contou com 3 keynotes, 86 palestras e 92 palestrantes.

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29 mar 2019