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Início Apresentações Graph Mining with Deep Learning: challenges and pitfalls

Graph Mining with Deep Learning: challenges and pitfalls



Deep learning is widely use in several cases with a good match and accuracy. But when it comes to social networks there is a lot of problems involved, for example how do we represent a network in a neural network without lost node correspondence? Here I will review the state of art and present the success and fails in the area and the perspectives.


Ana Paula Appel is a researcher, data scientist and master inventor at IBM Research Brazil. She analyzes large data volumes, specially data mapped in complex networks and was elected master inventor in 2016 with more than 25 patents registered at the USPTO. A member of IBM Academy of Technology, Ana Paula held her master and doctorate in Computer Science at the ICMC-USP.

Sobre o Evento

A segunda edição do aconteceu em São Paulo nos dias 19, 20 e 21 de Junho de 2018. O evento tem o intuito de apresentar casos reais de utilização de Machine Learning, e contou com mais de 20 palestras, em inglês, apresentando cases e ferramentas de empresas nacionais e internacionais.

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03 ago. 2018