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Início Apresentações Improving customer value estimation by predicting conversion

Improving customer value estimation by predicting conversion



The objective of this presentation is to describe the challenges of modeling a customer conversion predictor using real leads data observed on different levels of the conversion funnel. It will include the solution sketching process, as well as the data extraction, feature engineering and model evaluation, and some challenges of using such models as a support system for the operations analysts.


Allan Dieguez is a Data Scientist at Creditas, responsible for conceptualizing, building and deploying optimization solutions in many areas of the company. He has 11 years of experience in designing and building machine learning solutions in many fields such as image recognition, NLP, dynamic pricing and data mining.

Sobre o Evento

Nos dias 21 e 22 de Junho de 2017, São Paulo recebeu a primeira edição do Connect no Brasil. Com o intuito de apresentar casos reais de utilização de Machine Learning, o PAPIs contou com mais de 20 palestras apresentando cases e ferramentas de empresas nacionais e internacionais.

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07 nov. 2017