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Início Apresentações Reactive Microservices with Vert.x and OpenShift

Reactive Microservices with Vert.x and OpenShift



Vert.x is a popular open source toolkit to create Reactive distributed and polyglot applications on the JVM. In this talk we'll show how to use Vert.x leveraging Openshift capabilities, to build microservice systems using cloud technologies. We’ll show how the combination of Vert.x and Openshift can make the development, deployment, and management of microservices "burdenless".


Clement works for Red Hat as core developer of the Vert.x project. He's also an active contributor to several open source projects. Previously he worked in positions ranging from academic to technical management, and has been involved in projects touching domains such as OSGi, mobile development, continuous delivery and DevOps.

Sobre o Evento

Entre 24 e 26 de abril, São Paulo recebeu a décima edição brasileira do QCon. Organizado pelo InfoQ Brasil e com palestras selecionadas por um comitê independente, esta edição contou com 3 keynotes, 81 palestras e 93 palestrantes, sendo 19 internacionais. Esse foi o QCon mais internacional do Brasil, o que levou o QCon São Paulo ao patamar dos maiores QCons mundiais.

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22 nov 2017