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Início Apresentações Scaling your applications with Kubernetes and Docker

Scaling your applications with Kubernetes and Docker



High availability, high consistency, high disponibility are the popular words when we think about Web Applications but when our application increase, we have many problems and situations to solve. The objective of this talk is show the Kubernetes' power and facility to you can get conquer all of this keywords in your projects, exploring the best of Kubernetes has to you


Independent Software Consultant, Microsoft MVP, instructor, speaker and Co-organizer at Nerdzao, Nerdgirlz, Javascript São Paulo and NodeBR Communities. Post graduating in Business Intelligence with Big Data. Microsoft Certified Professional and Microsoft Specialist in Web development technologies (focused on Node.js and Typescript).

Sobre o Evento

Nos dias 29 e 30 de setembro de 2018 aconteceu a segunda edição do The Conf, com uma grade 100% de pessoas brasileiras, apresentando temas de tecnologia que vai de Web, a Games, a Data Sciences, mas apresentado inteiramente em inglês. O evento contou com aproximadamente 30 palestras, em 2 dias inteiros, com 2 tracks paralelas apresentadas simultâneamente.

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11 jan 2019