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Início Apresentações The Cloud-centric Internet of Things

The Cloud-centric Internet of Things



Implementing smart connected devices is now a WHEN rather than an IF. Cloud vendors offer services which could fit your IoT projects, but which vendors & which patterns work best? Learn from the trenches in this QCon SP 2016 keynote.


An independent Cloud and Big Data architect, Lynn is AWS Community Hero, Google Cloud Developer Expert and Microsoft MVP. Deeply involved in professional education, she is author of, Pluralsight, Wintellect and DevelopMentor courseware. Her 'Hadoop Fundamentals' course online has been watched by over 250k people. Lynn is also co-founder and lead author for Teaching Kids Programming.

Sobre o Evento

Entre 28 de março e 1° de abril, São Paulo recebeu a nona edição brasileira do QCon. Organizado pelo InfoQ Brasil e com palestras selecionadas por um comitê independente, esta edição contou com 3 keynotes, 100 palestras e 13 workshops, totalizando 130 horas de conteúdo, o que levou o QCon São Paulo ao patamar dos maiores QCons mundiais.

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13 dez. 2016