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Início Apresentações Th3 H1$tory of Cryptogr@phy

Th3 H1$tory of Cryptogr@phy



This talk walks through the history of Cryptography and the balance between code makers and breakers. Let's see how each side had the upper hand at different times and explain the most famous ciphers and the process to break them. It expects no previous knowledge on the subject and will work as an entry point to those how may be intrigued enough to pursue the mysterious path of ciphers and codes.


Artur is a developer, a speaker, and a writer. He has 9 years of experience with Ruby on Rails and 5 with C#. He worked in the largest magazine publisher in Brazil, building high-performance websites like He is currently working at Youse, a startup that aims to change the insurance market with a strong focus on innovation and technology.

Sobre o Evento

Nos dias 29 e 30 de setembro de 2018 aconteceu a segunda edição do The Conf, com uma grade 100% de pessoas brasileiras, apresentando temas de tecnologia que vai de Web, a Games, a Data Sciences, mas apresentado inteiramente em inglês. O evento contou com aproximadamente 30 palestras, em 2 dias inteiros, com 2 tracks paralelas apresentadas simultâneamente.

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10 mai 2019