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Início Apresentações The Spotify Playbook

The Spotify Playbook



What gives Spotify a distinct advantage in the way they execute. And no small part of it is due to culture. In this presentation I will share with you some of the advantages Spotify and other tech companies have in the way they execute around culture and how you can compete to retain and hold your top talent.


Jonathan is the author of The Agile Samurai. An experienced programmer with an aversion for titles, Jonathan has helped some of the world’s leading software companies find better ways of working and playing together. When not cycling to work in the throes of winter, or coaching his sons’ hockey teams, you can find him developing software and coaching teams at Spotify.

Sobre o Evento

Entre 28 de março e 1° de abril, São Paulo recebeu a nona edição brasileira do QCon. Organizado pelo InfoQ Brasil e com palestras selecionadas por um comitê independente, esta edição contou com 3 keynotes, 100 palestras e 13 workshops, totalizando 130 horas de conteúdo, o que levou o QCon São Paulo ao patamar dos maiores QCons mundiais.

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12 jan. 2017