Início Apresentações Towards Author Profiling - A Methodology for Gender Expression Classification
Towards Author Profiling - A Methodology for Gender Expression Classification
With the growth of social media in recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the profiling of users based on their informal content. The labeling of users whom had not provided enough data, in demographic categories, such as age, origin and race, political preferences, personality, gender expression, has received a great deal of attention based on unstructured textual content.
Ahirton has experience in areas such as Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, Software Development, Applied Robotics, Control and Automation. His main researches are on the following: Cognitive Plataforms and Conversational Agents, Aerial and Mobile Robotics, Natural Language Processing in Social Media, Data Mining among other topics in Software Development, Automation and Control.
Sobre o Evento
A segunda edição do aconteceu em São Paulo nos dias 19, 20 e 21 de Junho de 2018. O evento tem o intuito de apresentar casos reais de utilização de Machine Learning, e contou com mais de 20 palestras, em inglês, apresentando cases e ferramentas de empresas nacionais e internacionais.