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Início Apresentações Billions and billions: using large-scale graph databases to detect financial fraud in real time

Billions and billions: using large-scale graph databases to detect financial fraud in real time



We'll discuss some use cases where financial services have used graph technology and the insights you get from connecting the facts in order to solve some billion-scale problems. To demonstrate the power of connected data, we'll explore use cases using the Neo4j graph database and the Cypher query language.


Jim is Chief Scientist at Neo Technology, the company behind the leading open source graph database Neo4j – where he works on R&D for highly-scalable graph databases and writes open source software. Jim has written several books including ’REST in Practice’ and ‘Graph Databases’.

Sobre o Evento

Entre 24 e 26 de abril, São Paulo recebeu a décima edição brasileira do QCon. Organizado pelo InfoQ Brasil e com palestras selecionadas por um comitê independente, esta edição contou com 3 keynotes, 81 palestras e 93 palestrantes, sendo 19 internacionais. Esse foi o QCon mais internacional do Brasil, o que levou o QCon São Paulo ao patamar dos maiores QCons mundiais.

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13 dez 2017