Associate Director - Technology Evangelism at WSO2
Dakshitha Ratnayake
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Dakshitha Ratnayake is currently working at WSO2 as the Program Manager for Ballerina. With a background in Software Engineering, she has over 10 years of experience in the roles of Software Engineer, Solutions Architect, and Technology Evangelist at WSO2. She has been a technology advocate for WSO2 in the areas of API Management, Enterprise Application Integration, Identity and Access Management, Microservices Architecture, and Event-Driven Architecture.
Todas as Atividades
Todas as Atividades
Ballerina Swan Lake: 10 Compelling Language Characteristics for Cloud Native Programming
The Ballerina language has come a long way with significant improvements since the 1.0 release in 2019. The latest Swan Lake release further simplifies building and deploying cloud native apps.
Cellery: A Code-First Approach to Deploy Applications on Kubernetes
Cellery is a code-first approach to building, integrating, running, and managing composite applications on Kubernetes, using a cell-based architecture.