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Derek Longmuir

Perfil criado em 03 jul, 2008


Todas as Atividades

  • Strategies for Effectively Managing Legacy Systems

    Amit Uttam and Derek Longmuir cover what legacy systems are, typical approaches to dealing with legacy systems, replacement strategies/techniques, migration plans, and continually evolving a system.

    Strategies for Effectively Managing Legacy Systems
  • Prioritizing (the Backlog) For Profit

    Having difficulty prioritizing the backlog? Luke Hohmann has described a method to make quantitative decisions about which backlog items should be considered first. In addition to the usual attributes such as implementation effort, Luke suggested adding attributes to measure stakeholders needs, strategic alignment and to ask whether the item is driving profit.

  • The Personal Retrospective – Improving Your "Wetware"

    Andy Hunt's interview last month talks about his progression from pragmatic programmer to Agile development to his latest interest – Pragmatic Wetware. "Wetware is the stuff in your head. That's the thing between your ears that's really where all the action is – that's where all the software development actually takes place."

