Início Ruby no InfoQ Brasil
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Anonimize seus Dados com Postgresql
Nessa apresentação daremos um giro no postgresql_anonymizer além apresentar um estudo de caso, que foi possível reduzir o tempo de anonimização, que antes era de 24 horas, para 5 horas.
Building your own flavored Markdown with Ruby
While not all markdown is born the same, few standards exists, but each one with their own set of extensions and quirks. You are going to learn how to build yet another one that suits your own ne(...)
Terminal With Your Life
I'll talk about the overview of terminal system stack and details of GNU Readline and terminal tools. I'm writing "Reline" that is Ruby's new Readline compatible implementation, and writing some (...)
I wrote a Ruby Library to help me compose my music album
I'd like to share the experience and talk about the challenges of translating the music theory to Ruby, software vs art, computer-assisted art, multi-disciplinarity, repeating patterns of mainstr(...)
AgileVentures - Crowdsourced learning and Software Development as part of a Distributed Team
Ruby on Rails, EmberJS, Elixir, React, Ethereum - How a group of horizontally-organized developers dedicated to crowdsourced learning and pair programming is developing better software. Scrums, a(...)
Ruby, Clojure, Elixir comparative study
Ruby has Rails; Elixir has OTP, Clojure has... rainbow parenthesis? Let's take a brief tour on each of these three languages and see how they are similar, where they differ and what they appeal. (...)
Game Battleplans - How a Ruby on Rails backend can be viable for a mobile real time strategy game?
Battleplans is a real time strategy game for Android and iOS, but backed by an Ruby on Rails server. In this talk I will share my experience maintaining the backend of the game and some tricks th(...)
Go for Rubyists
In this talk we will compare Go and Ruby against each other and see how a Rubyists can start and become productive with Go. Go is a open source programming language created at Google whereas Ru(...)
Writing extensible functional code
In this talk, we are going to present the concept of Protocols (Elixir & Clojure) and/or TypeClasses (Haskell & friends) and relate them to alternatives in other languages (e.g. Mixins in Ruby an(...)
Tunando seu código Ruby
Apresento alguns métodos de benchmark/profilling para você descobrir como tunar a sua aplicação Ruby/Rails e códigos que utilizamos no dia-dia que podem comprometer a performance da sua aplicação.
Novas linguagens: o que vem depois do Ruby
Nos últimos anos vimos o crescimento de diversas linguagens. Vamos apresentar uma perspectiva de onde vem essas linguagens, porque existem, quais devemos prestar atenção, entre outros.
Usando Ruby em (quase) qualquer lugar
Nesta palestra, que será bem prática, ensino como criar extensões (mrbgems) e demonstro uma aplicação completa que usa Ruby sem que a máquina do usuário precise ter um interpretador instalado.