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The Economics of Service Orientation
This article explores the structural economic changes brought up by service orientation. Most IT organizations today are under enormous financial pressure trying to keep rising costs and flat budgets in synch. The restructuring brought about by the concept of services and reuse at the service level promises long lasting relief from the cost treadmill.
Interview with the Book Authors: Brown, Laird, Gee, Mitra: SOA Governance
InfoQ had the opportunity to review the new book “SOA Governance: Achieving and Sustaining Business and IT Agility” and interview its authors Clive Gee, William A. Brown, Robert G. Laird, Tilak Mitra.Topics covered include the role of reuse in SOA, SOA governance tooling, Business/IT alignment, etc.
We Need to Create Information System Ratings
Pierre Bonnet, CTO of Orchestra Networks, argues that information systems are too opaque and not agile enough. He claims this is the main reason why "healthy" multinationals can collapse within months as they take on too much risk. He suggests that information systems be rated on how they manage master data, business rules and business processes.
Using Numbers to Communicate - in the Spirit of Agile
It's an old story. Techies cave in to the business guys because they don't know how to push back. The problem? Developers use numbers primarily for computation, but the business uses numbers to make decisions. In this story the "Spirit of Agile" encourages a developer to turn non-computational problems and issues into number language.
Creating Product Owner Success
The role of the Scrum Product Owner is powerful, but challenging to implement. Success can bring a new and healthy relationship between customers/product management and development, even competitive advantage, but it comes at a price: organizational change is often required. In this article Roman Pichler looks at what it takes to succeed as a Product Owner.
SOA Governance: Crucial Necessity or Waste of Time?
In this article, Gernot Starke introduces the concepts behind SOA Governance, how it relates to overall Corporate Governance and IT Governance, and how it should be applied both at design-time and at runtime. Gernot covers the key aspects that SOA Governance needs to address and explains the role governance tools.
SOA Governance - Long-Term SOA Implementation and Management
In this article, Wolfgang Keller explores the challenges in SOA adoption and discusses the commonalities and differences of SOA governance to overall IT governance. He discusses why SOA initiatives frequently get bogged down, and how the anchoring of SOA in an IT governance can help make SOA a success.
Implementation of business rules and business processes in SOA
Boris Lublinsky and Didier Le Tien discuss how business process engines and business rule engines differ, where their respective strengths are and when to use what in an SOA context. They discuss commonalities and differences between business rules and business processes and present some guidelines on positioning business rules in SOA implementation and appropriate usage of each technology.
A Hard Look at the Organizational Implications of BPM
This article examines the conceptual BPM project from the following perspectives: what is involved to deliver the project, what are its enablers and what are its total costs of ownership (TCO). Before investments are made in reengineering processes and deploying BPM solutions, businesses need to commit to making the organizational changes necessary to allow realization of any lasting value.
Interview: Using Agile for SOA
Recently, Digital Focus documented their experience using Agile to tackle SOA for Federal Home Loan Banks. The incremental approach included adopting an SOA platform that could grow as the SOA application portfolio grew, and getting frequent feedback from customers and developers. InfoQ interviewed both the client and the author of the experience report on the project, and business-IT alignment.
Executive summary - An Adaptive Performance Management System
Traditional thinking has turned budgets into fixed performance contracts forcing managers at all levels to commit to specified financial outcomes, although many of the underlying variables are beyond their control. In this Cutter Executive Summary, Jim Highsmith offers an alternative for the adaptive organization: a project performance management system and a team performance management system.
Agile: The SOA Hangover Cure
Author Carl Ververs who is an expert on SOA Integration and Distributed Systems writes about the application of "Agile" development philosophies that ensures that organizations can overcome architectural paralysis and get moving on those important SOA projects, while at the same time ensuring that the architecture is sufficiently flexible and adaptable for future growth.