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  • Five Behaviours of Successful Staff Plus Engineers

    Staff plus engineers act as technical leaders to have a bigger impact. Their ability to get things done goes beyond their individual capacity to grow and mentor others. The tech industry has moved away from thinking that engineers work individually and collaboration is one of the most important behaviours in a staff plus role.

  • Moving from Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome toward Seeing the Benefits of Diversity in Technology

    As someone with a non technical background, Charu Bansal, has navigated the imposter syndrome in her career, often wondering what value she could bring to security. In her talk at The Diana Initiative 2021, she showed how having a diverse perspective helped her to solve challenging security problems as she pivoted from a non-technical career into information security.

  • Tech People: Enhance Your Professional Journey with Mindfulness

    In software development, we need to focus carefully and stay focused in order to be productive. Especially during a lockdown, people in tech are faced with stress, lack of concentration, and other mental problems that reduce their focus and motivation. To enhance tech people’s professional journey, a suggestion is to combine testing with mindfulness.

  • Developing Testing Skills outside of Working Hours

    Gamifying your way of testing, joining online testing communities of practice, and virtual traveling; these are examples of activities you can do outside of working hours that can make you a better tester. You can practice continuous learning with other testers in the world, and then implement things you learned at your workplace and share them with your team to improve ways of testing.

  • The Role of Business Analysts in Agile

    Business analysts have a role in agile organizations; they can become a product owner, join a team, or work across products where they collaborate with product owners and teams. The BA role brings incredible value in any framework; it is about making sure that you are confident in your own skills.

  • 2020 State of Testing Survey: Call for Participation

    The 2020 State of Testing survey is now seeking participation, and aims to provide insights into how the testing profession develops and to recognize testing trends. Anyone completing the survey will receive a complimentary copy of the State of Testing 2020 report once it is published.

  • Experiences from Getting Started as a Lead

    Having a transition period to lead teams together with a mentor helped Dan Persa to have a smooth switch from senior software engineer to engineering lead. At Codemotion Amsterdam 2019 he shared some of his experiences and learnings, in order to inspire other developers to take the leadership path.

  • Sitting Considered Deadly: Introduce Movement in Our Workdays

    Prolonged sitting wreaks havoc on our bodies and our minds. A first step to introduce more movement throughout your workday is to organize a sit-stand workstation, claimed Marek Stój in his talk Sitting Considered Deadly at Codemotion Amsterdam 2019. He suggested alternating between the two and trying out various ways in which one can sit or stand.

  • How to Avoid Failing at Mobile Test Automation

    Test automation in mobile development should be done by the Scrum team; don’t set up separate test automation teams, said Nadya Denisenko. She advised obeying the testing pyramid for mobile testing and involve testers from the start. Testers are quality-oriented developers who can guide and assist other developers in delivering high-quality software; manual testing will disappear in the future.

  • 2019 State of Testing Survey: Call for Participation

    The 2019 State of Testing survey is now seeking participation, and aims to provide insights into how the testing profession develops and to recognize testing trends. Anyone completing the survey will receive a complimentary copy of the State of Testing 2019 report once it is published.

  • Progressing with a Gender-Blind Attitude

    Individual skills should determine success; we should not distinguish people by gender, said Oksana Afonina at Women in Tech Dublin. In her talk, she explained how she focuses on her own skills and performance, those being the main traits to benefit from career-wise. Change starts with you, she said; there are always opportunities to empower others around you and scale your impact.

  • The Importance of Feedback for Skill Development and Careers

    Feedback and continuous learning are crucial for personal and professional development. Non-technical skills like creative problem solving, critical thinking, and an entrepreneurial mindset are important to make progress in your career. You have to own your career direction and know what you ultimately want to be in order to decide on the next steps.

  • New Report from The Linux Foundation Shows Demand High for DevOps Skills

    The 2017 Open Source Jobs Report from the Linux Foundation and tech career hub, Dice, shows 60% demand for DevOps human resources among more than 2,000 IT open source professionals and IT hiring managers.  DevOps skills were found to be in the top three most sought after open source skills (57%) along with cloud/virtualisation (60%) and application platforms (59%).

  • 2018 State of Testing Survey

    The 2018 State of Testing survey aims to provide insights into how the testing profession develops and recognize testing trends. The survey is open through January 2018.

  • 2017 State of Testing Survey

    The 2017 State of Testing survey aims to provide insights into how the testing profession develops. The survey is open throughout January 2017.