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The Ceylon Language Is Now Eclipse Ceylon
The Ceylon Language, the JVM and JavaScript language created by Red Hat, joined the Eclipse Foundation to become Eclipse Ceylon on 21st August. The rationale behind this move is to distance the project from the Red Hat brand and ensure an image of vendor-neutrality, in the hope to attract more collaborators to it.
Ceylon 1.3 Adds Support for Building Android Apps and More
Ceylon, RedHat’s strongly statically typed language for the JVM, has reached version 1.3. Released one year after version 1.2, Ceylon 1.3 is a major release bringing Android support, npm integration, and a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio, in addition to new language features and improvements.
New Releases: Ceylon 1.2, Node.js 5.0 and Atom 1.1
Ceylon, Node.js and Atom have all seen stable upgrades this week, and we have decided to write a common post covering most notable features and enhancements that come with these new versions.
Ceylon 1.1: OSGi, Vert.x, Dynamic Interfaces, Use-site Variance, Promises
Ceylon 1.1 comes with dynamic interfaces, use-site variance, OSGi and Vert.x deployment, ceylon.promise module, IDE enhancements, compiler performance improvements and others.
Ceylon Is Feature Complete
Gavin King, leader of the Ceylon project, has announced the availability of M6 release, which has also been tagged as Ceylon 1.0 Beta, the language been considered feature complete. This release includes complete language specification, a command-line toolset – compilers for JVM and JavaScript VMs, documentation compiler –, an SDK, and an Eclipse-based IDE.
First Milestone of Ceylon and Ceylon IDE
Earlier this week, the first milestone of Ceylon IDE was released, bringing an IDE to the Ceylon language, which saw its first milestone at the end of December. Read on to find out more.
Ceylon JVM Language
Gavin King, creator of Hibernate, gave a presentation at QCon Beijing on the Ceylon JVM language. Ceylon addresses some limitations of the Java programming language although the project is near the inception phase, with no compiler or IDE support. Since its existence leaked out over twitter, there has been a lot of speculation about the language; read on to find out more from Gavin King