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  • Time for Change: Agile Teams in Traditional Organisations

    Agile teams seem to be meeting more resistance, as they scale up and move from "early adopter" territory into the mainstream. Does this mean Agile can't work in more traditional organisations? Not necessarily, say coaches Michael Spayd and Joe Little, in a new InfoQ interview: what's needed now is an awareness of the need to facilitate organizational change.

  • The Legal Boundaries Of Agile

    Adopting Agile practices requires a shift in the organisation on many different levels, but can making such a change lead to serious trouble?

  • A Real Product using Z-Wave and .NET Micro

    Microsoft has been pushing a lot of new technology lately, but is any of it actually useful? In the case of .NET Micro, Leviton Manufacturing says it is, though the far more interesting technology is Z-Wave.

  • Interview: Linda Rising on Collaboration, Bonobos and the Brain

    Seasoned practitioners packed a small room at Agile2006 to hear Linda Rising's "Are Agilists the Bonobos of the Software Community?" where she shared her thoughts on the evolutionary roots of teamwork. In this InfoQ interview, Linda talked with editor Deborah Hartmann about how writing her book "Fearless Change" led her to read on the science of the human brain and the social rituals of apes.

  • A Disciplined Approach to Agile Adoption

    Ahmed Sidky and James D. Arthur present an Agile Adoption Framework. Attempting to provide a structured, repeatable and measurable framework for adopting Agile processes in a software development organization.

  • Kent Beck: Be Yourself - Create More Value

    Recent discussions on the extremeprogramming list keep returning to "telling the truth". Why do we bite off more than we can chew? Why the overtime heroics? Kent Beck's one-hour talk "Ease at Work" explored how to get off what he called the "genius-shithead rollercoaster" and just be yourself at work. Question: Would you rather spend energy on maintaining an image, or doing more cool stuff?

  • Domain-Driven Design Case Study: So We Thought We Knew Money

    Ying Hu and Sam Peng show how they solved some major problems dealing with international currency by selectively applying Domain-Driven Design to their existing application.

  • How .NET Handles Standards Compliance that Result in Breaking Changes

    Two security classes in .NET, HMACSHA512 and HMACSHA384, have a bug. It isn't an earth-shattering bug, but it does produce results that are inconsistent with the standard. The .NET Security team shows how this will be handed so that current applications won't break when the code gets fixed.

  • InfoQ Article: Transitioning to Agile, Attitude Counts

    When transitioning to agile, success requires a true change in behavior and outlook. Daffyd Rees shares advice on "Cultivating Agile Attitudes" in this excerpt from the Agile Alliance's Agile Development Journal, including "Growing Agile Developers," "Creating Agile Coaches," and "Weeding out Hidden Problems."

  • The Great Property Debate

    Giving closures a break to start 2007, the Java community has taken up the topic of properties in recent days. A flurry of commentary revisiting the possibility of a property keyword and arrow operator has appeared.

  • Will A Java/Ruby Co-op Occur in 2007?

    Ryan Tomayko recently wrote a detailed 2007 prediction on the "The Pending Ruby/Java Co-op". Java is going into 2007 with a number of interesting developments at the JVM level. Ryan considers a path were the JVM becomes a viable Ruby runtime environment.

  • ONJava's 2007 Predictions

    ONJava Editor Chris Adamson has posted his 2007 predictions for the Java world. He takes a look at the major changes in 2006 and says what to look for as a result of them. He focuses on open-sourcing Java, the Java Platform, changes outside of Sun, and the JCP.

  • Reflections on the Growth of Agile

    There has recently been a great deal of discussion both inside and outside the agile community in which the essential question is: Has the word "agile" become meaningless?

  • Industry Prognosticators Look Towards 2007

    Sys-Con, publishers of Java Developers Journal, recently polled a number of industry leaders on their thoughts for the software industry going into 2007.

  • Casestudy: Effects of Scrum, 9 months later

    Richard Banks tried to introduce Scrum into his oraganization last year, resulting in "anarchy" due to not properly following the Scrum rules. Richard tried again and this time did it right. 9 months later, Richard looks back at how Scrum has changed his organization for the better.