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  • Spark the Change: Building Tomorrow’s Company

    Tomorrow’s company has to invest in well being, should move away from individual silos to team delivery, needs to have psychological space and safety, and must be able to deal with uncertainty. To build such companies we can use gamification, pretotyping, IoT, artificial intelligence, robots, chatbots and other conversational interfaces. We should focus on teams and question how we work together.

  • Spark the Change: Sparkling Disruptions

    A new transportation system that enables people to live and work anywhere, networking through an app to share stories and get ideas that change your company, and high-speed internet through space to connect people everywhere on the planet; these are sparkling disruptions which were presented at the Spark the Change conference.

  • The Power of Serendipity and Networking

    Meeting new people gets you out of your own head. It’s a good way to get outside perspective on your projects and look at them in new ways. A conversation with someone who works in a completely different field could spark the idea that changes your company. Focus on meeting people who share your values and interests, and make networking part of your daily habits.

  • Leaders Discuss How to Build Great Engineering Cultures

    QConLondon’s Building Great Engineering Cultures track brought together a panel of leaders to take questions from an audience. Leaders from Google, Sky Betting and Gaming, ITV, Deliveroo and GlobalSign shared how they support and build great cultures for engineers, accounting for individual growth, organisation need, a social conscience and a balanced life.

  • Becoming an Agile Company

    Organizations have to give up much of their hierarchy and micro-management to become an agile company: totally changing the management model instead of doing small incremental changes which drown in the traditional bureaucratic structure. They need to stop doing things that inhibit agility, and focus on customer orientation, intrinsic motivation; leadership based on trust and less formal planning.

  • Great Engineering Cultures and Organizations - Morning Sessions from QCon London

    The building great engineering cultures and organizations track at QCon London 2018 included talks from practitioners representing digital leaders of the consumer internet as well as transformational corporates from “traditional” sectors. The speakers presented how they established and scaled engineering cultures that keep their organisations ahead of the rest. A summary of the morning sessions.

  • Agile and the Use of Paradoxes

    Paradoxes support agile transformations; they make you stop, think, and discuss by using a shared language. They also help to show empathy and provide a way forward. VIVAT, a Dutch insurance company, uses paradoxes in training and everyday work to drive their agile transformation.

  • Unblocking Middle Management Using Personas

    Personas of roles like middle managers can be useful when you going through an agile transformation. It’s easier to get something from middle managers if you understand the position that they are in. A persona helps in knowing what to ask or not ask a manager, increasing your chances of getting what you need from them.

  • Game Changers for Organizations

    We want to approach strategy using choices, direction, and iterative experiments, establish a growth mindset in organizations, and work towards a common purpose or goal with leaders and teams sharing the same values, principles, and mindset; these are some of the game changers for organizations to become more innovative, deliver faster and better, and have happier and more engaged employees.

  • The Future of Work - Afternoon Sessions from Agile People Sweden

    The future of work is about microlearning and unlearning, freedom by technology, agile companies, alignment for autonomy, and self-organized groups of people around common goals and interests; these are some of the ideas that were discussed at Agile People Sweden.

  • The Future of Work - Morning Sessions from Agile People Sweden

    The fifth Agile People Sweden Conference is being held on October 23 and 24 in Stockholm. The 2017 conference theme is: The Future of Work - Scaling Agile to Improve Worklife. The Monday morning sessions explored agility scales, enterprise wide agility with sociocracy, and self organization.

  • Paradoxes in Culture Change

    Organizations should realize that organizational culture is an important factor in increasing agility, and then act on this realization. The desired organizational culture must be promoted by example top down; what is happening at the top of the organization concerning values, communication and customer involvement will predict what will happen in the "underlying" layers of the organization.

  • Exploring the Seven Principles of Sociocracy 3.0

    Principles guide behaviour, and when made explicit can raise consciousness and help to evolve culture. The seven Sociocracy 3.0 principles support organizations that want to act in integrity with their environment, learn from experience, and generate a collaborative, adaptable and intelligent system to navigate complexity.

  • Courage to Become Agile

    Being brave is about doing what is necessary, even when you are afraid. The single most important thing in agile is to inspect and dare to change things which aren't working. You can start with small experiments to find solutions, and if it turns they do not work, then you can stop them.

  • Don't Copy the Spotify Model

    The Spotify model can help you to understand how things are done at Spotify, but you shouldn’t copy it in your own organization. It changes all the time as people at Spotify learn and discover new things. There is no one way in which software is developed at Spotify.