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  • Overcoming Resistance to Change

    Any change whether an Agile implementation or re-arranging the office furniture is going to encounter some resistance. The real question is how we react when that happens. Dave Nicolette and Lasse Koskela's workshop - was designed too help us understand where resistance comes from and how to handle it.

  • Software Development: A Traffic Jam Waiting To Happen

    Software development is Hard. One of the main reasons is that it is a complex adaptive system. Agile - when done right - seems to do a very good job of providing stabilizing feedback. We take a look at what it means for something to be a 'complex adaptive system' and what particular practices in Agile help us out.

  • Programming Processes

    Whether deep inside the brain, within software, or even within the teams which develop software, how do processes work, how do they misfire, and how can they be altered to achieve the desired results?

  • Rewards to Improve Team Habits?

    Sometimes teams have trouble starting new habits: writing unit tests, fix compiler warnings, not breaking the build. How do we help the team change these habits? Clint Shank designed a game to help people transition.

  • Creating The Culture For An Agile Environment

    Greg Smith offers an in-depth practical perspective on making your agile transition just as much about culture change as it is about process change.

  • Interview with Joseph Pelrine: Agile Works. But HOW?

    Joseph Pelrine has come full circle: from university studies in Psychology, journeying through SmallTalk, XP and Scrum, and now back to broader questions: Why and how does Agile work? In this interview, Joseph talked about Complexity Science, and how story-telling, "sense-making," network analysis and speed-dating's gut-feel approach may prove more useful than our old toolkits for managing teams.

  • First (Forgotten?) Rule Of The Retrospective: Follow Through

    Even the very greenest of agile teams clearly recognize the word 'Retrospective'. But, alas, it is often overlooked that a retrospective may be a wasted effort if not used to initiate an actual improvement that the team follows through on. Jim Shore gives advice on how to make the most of your retrospective and reminds us of the activity's ultimate place in the agile heartbeat.

  • QCon Panel: What will the Future of Java Development Be?

    In this panel from QCon San Francisco, Joshua Bloch, Chet Haase, Rod Johnson, Erik Meijer and Charles Nutter discussed and debated the future of the Java language and APIs based upon the lessons we have learned from the past. Topics included static versus dynamic languages, removing code from Java, forking the JVM, and the next big programming language.

  • Debate: Should the Java language stop adding new features?

    Recently, there has been a lot of debate over the future of the Java platform, with some arguing for more features to compete with languages such as C# and Ruby, and others saying that Java should become a more stable language lest it become too complicated to use. Bruce Eckel started a new round of debates by stating that Java should stop adding new features entirely.

  • Closures and Preserving the Feel of Java

    During the last few years, there has been wide-ranging discussion about adding closures to the Java language, either as part of Java SE 7, or in some future, unspecified release. At Javapolis, Joshua Bloch presented his opinion about the controversy, and why he feels that CICE is a more suitable approach.

  • Without a Defined Process, How Will We Know Who To Blame?

    "A fundamental premise of the 'train-wreck' approach to management is that the primary cause of problems is 'dereliction of duty'" said Peter Scholtes in his 2003 book on leadership. Mary Poppendieck's recent article on process, people and systems asked: "Which is more important - process or people?" and showed how Lean is an alternative to certified process improvement programs like ISO 9000.

  • Lessons Learned: Transitioning to Agile at GMAC-RFC

    This half hour presentation looks at a Fortune 500 company's effort to achieve faster time to market by transitioning from RUP to Agile. Hussman & Stenstad reveal the gradual process from readiness assessment and chartering through education and practice to the creation of an adaptive culture with a "living plan", sharing lessons learned along the way.

  • Is COM a Dying Technology?

    Does COM still have a place or is it a dead end technology?

  • The Role Of Leadership - Agile 2007

    Mary Poppendieck spoke at Agile 2007 providing an insight into the adaptation of manufacturing management principles in the software development arena.

  • Kaizen in Lean Software Development

    Lean methods employ Kaizen, or continuous improvement, to reduce waste and improve results on a regular, even daily, basis. On the leanagilescrum group, Alan asked, "Are there known techniques for facilitating kaizen activities within Lean/Agile software development?"