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Writing Cloud Native Network Functions (CNFs): One Concern per Container
This article discusses the “one concern, one process” design for containers and Cloud native network functions (CNFs).
The Future of Service Mesh is Networking
On this journey, we will discover that, to quote David Mooter, “The future of service mesh is as a networking feature, not a product category, as far out of sight and mind from developers as possible—and that is a good thing.”
Environment-as-a-Service (EaaS) as a Technique to Raise Productivity in Teams
In essence, EaaS addresses developer productivity issues by providing settings that make it simple for developers to test and mimic real-world uses of their system. This article discusses the benefits of EaaS.
Moving Past Simple Incident Metrics: Courtney Nash on the VOID
The Verica Open Incident Database (VOID) is assembling publically available software-related incident reports. InfoQ talks with Courtney Nash about their recent findings including how MTT* metrics may not be beneficial, the average time to incident resolution, and the importance of studying near-miss reports.
Containers and Serverless—Rivals or Cohorts?
This article will try to decode these technologies and explore how developers should consider containers or serverless functions within their tech stack. For example, if your application has a longer startup time, then a container would suit the need better. Highly efficient stateless functions that need to scale up and down massively would benefit from running serverless functions.
Hard-Won Lessons from the Trenches: Failure Modes of Platform Engineering — and How to Avoid Them
Platform Engineering is a hot topic with many orgs hoping to reap the benefits. However, it is easy to go astray. This article reviews the common pitfalls of building a platform and how to avoid them.
Article Series: Developing Apache Kafka applications on Kubernetes
Apache Kafka has integrations with most of the languages used these days, but in this article series, we cover its integration with Java. In this series, we also discuss how to provision, configure and secure an Apache Kafka cluster on a Kubernetes cluster.
Lambda Throttling - How to Avoid It?
This article aims to explain best practices if you have throttled your application and services and suggestions for how to handle these cases. We performed an in-house experiment at Jit (a SaaS-based DevSecOps platform) built on serverless to learn how our application behaves.
If Twitter Doesn’t Have a Staging Environment, Should Anyone?
With Twitter revealing they do not have a staging environment, how important is staging to delivering quality? When so many tasks are shifting to the developer these days and no one best developer approach fits all, how do dev teams determine the best developer methodology for them and their company?
Platform Engineering 101: What You Need to Know about This Hot New Trend
Platform engineering is a current hot topic with a rapidly growing tooling ecosystem and landscape. This article reviews many of the important trends in platform engineering.
Data Protection Methods for Federal Organizations and beyond
The Federal Data Strategy describes a plan to “accelerate the use of data to deliver on mission, serve the public, and steward resources while protecting security, privacy, and confidentiality." This article covers what it is and how it can be applied to any organization.
Why Team-Level Metrics Matter in Software Engineering
In a world where everything can have perspective, context and data, it doesn’t make sense to limit that to just part of your software development process. The DORA metrics can provide insight into the health of your development environment, where value is being delivered and opportunities for improvement. Metrics must be used with careful insight to separate the signal from the noise.