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InfoQ Software Trends Report: Major Trends in 2022 and What to Watch for in 2023
2022 was another year of significant technological innovations and trends in the software industry and communities. The InfoQ podcast co-hosts met last month to discuss the major trends from 2022, and what to watch for in 2023. This article is a summary of the 2022 software trends podcast.
Lessons Learned from Enterprise Usage of GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions is an effective CI tool. However, integrating it into enterprise organizations can be challenging. This article looks at best practices for GitHub Actions in the enterprise.
Blue-Green Deployment from the Trenches
Introducing blue-green deployments is often a beneficial improvement. However, with some architectures, it can be challenging to make the changes without impeding deployments. This article covers the challenges and lessons learned in implementing blue-green deployments in the real-world.
Securing a Kafka Cluster in Kubernetes Using Strimzi
Deploying an Apache Kafka cluster to Kubernetes is easy if you use Strimzi, but that’s only the first step; you need to secure the communication between Kafka and the consumers and producers, provide RBAC to access topics, spread the secrets correctly to Kafka Connect components and all using a Kubernetes GitOps way.
The Importance of Pipeline Quality Gates and How to Implement Them
A quality gate is an enforced measure built into your pipeline that the software needs to meet before it can proceed. This article covers how to get the maximum benefit from quality gates. Making good use of quality gates not only can improve the quality of your software, but it can also improve your delivery speed.
Colliding Communities, Cloud Native, and Telecommunications Standards
What happens when an ecosystem driven from the bottom up collides with a community characterized by top-down development? The 5g broadband cellular network standard by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) standard by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), and the Service Function Chain RFC (request for comments) are examples.
Using Serverless WebSockets to Enable Real-Time Messaging
This article reviews some of the most common live-user experiences with examples, discusses event-driven architectures to support real-time updates, and introduces common technology choices.
API Security: from Defense-in-Depth (DiD) to Zero Trust
Nearly all companies have experienced security incidents but few have an API security policy that includes dedicated API testing and protection. A defense-in-depth approach that includes boundary defense, observability, and authentication is recommended.
How SaaS Platforms Can Provide Career Opportunities to "Quiet Quitters"
The pandemic-era work-at-home trend has caused some workers to decide they enjoyed it so much they refused to return to the office. Many would rather be fired, creating a sizable opportunity for SaaS developers. Work-from-home businesses require SaaS platforms that enable entrepreneurs to connect with their customers and handle their workflow. Here's some inspiration to get developers started.
DynamoDB Data Transformation Safety: from Manual Toil to Automated and Open Source
Data transformation remains a continuous challenge in engineering and built upon manual toil. The open source utility Dynamo Data Transform was built to simplify and build safety and guardrails into data transformation for DynamoDB based systems––built upon a robust manual framework that was then automated and open sourced. This article discusses the challenges with Data Transformation.
The Challenge of Cognitive Load in Platform Engineering: a Discussion with Paula Kennedy
In a recent article, Paula Kennedy shared her thoughts on the ever-increasing cognitive load being saddled onto development teams. Although platform engineering is touted as a solution to this challenge, a poorly designed platform will increase the cognitive burden on developers utilizing it. We must also be careful that we are not just transferring that cognitive load onto the platform teams.
Create Your Distributed Database on Kubernetes with Existing Monolithic Databases
The next challenge for databases is to run them on Kubernetes to become cloud neutral. However, they are more difficult to manage than the application layer, since Kubernetes is designed for stateless applications. Apache ShardingSphere is the ecosystem to transform any database into a distributed database system and enhance it with sharding, elastic scaling, encryption features, and more.