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Securing Cell-Based Architecture in Modern Applications
Securing cell-based architecture is essential to fully capitalize on its benefits while minimizing risks. To achieve this, comprehensive security measures must be put in place. Organizations can start by isolating and containing cells using sandbox environments and strict access control mechanisms like role-based and attribute-based access control.
The Great Lambda Migration to Kubernetes Jobs—a Journey in Three Parts
In this article, I’d like to share our journey at Firefly on a great migration from serverless to Kubernetes jobs, lessons learned, and the technologies that helped us do so with minimal pain.
CloudFormation or Terraform: Which Iac Platform is the Best Fit for You?
CloudFormation and Terraform are two of the most popular IaC frameworks available. In this article learn which framework will work best for your use cases.
Infrastructure as a Code—Why Drift Management Is Not Enough
The reality is that configuration drift will remain unavoidable for the foreseeable future. An EaaS solution, coupled with an IaC platform and good change management policies will help you prevent drift and shorten your development cycles.
Why DevOps Governance is Crucial to Enable Developer Velocity
The application environment should be managed centrally by the DevOps team. This allows them to better track modifications and changes which would then be swift and transparent to developer teams.
Programming Languages InfoQ Trends Report - October 2019
This article provides a summary of how the InfoQ editorial team currently sees the adoption of technology and emerging trends within the programming language space, as of Q3, 2019.
Understanding Serverless: Tips and Resources for Building Servicefull Applications
There are still many misconceptions and concerns regarding serverless solutions. Vendor lock-in, tooling, cost management, cold starts, monitoring and the development lifecycle are all hot topics where serverless technologies are concerned. This article shares tips and resources to guide serverless newcomers towards building powerful, flexible and cost-effective serverless applications.
Serverless Still Requires Infrastructure Management
Serverless architectures employ a wider range of cloud services and make infrastructure stacks more heterogeneous. To effectively manage infrastructure in this era, practices and tools have to evolve.
DevOps Enterprise Adoption at CSG International with Erica Morrison
Erica Morrison, from CSG International, talks about their DevOps journey, key initiatives and lessons learned.
Five Lessons Security Can Learn from DevOps
Just as DevOps emerged to meet new business needs, new approaches in security are now needed to address the challenges of a DevOps-driven world. These new security approaches themselves must incorporate DevOps practices that rely on modularity, automation, standardization, auditability, and mirrored systems.
Book Review and Excerpt: Infrastructure as Code
In this article we review the book Infrastructure as Code - Managing Servers in the Cloud written by Kief Morris, who is leading Continuous Delivery and DevOps at ThoughtWorks Europe. In over 300 pages, Morris lays down the foundation for Infrastructure as Code and outlines the main patterns and practices recommended for building it.
Immutable Layers, Not (Just) Infrastructure
How splitting applications and infrastructure into separate immutable layers speeds up deployment times and increases resource density, while keeping the benefits of immutable infrastructure.