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Q&A on the Book The Age of Agile
The book The Age of Agile by Steve Denning defines the goals, values, principles, and techniques for Agile management together with stories about how large organizations are applying this to deliver value on a large scale.
Beyond Copy-Pasting Methods: Navigating Complexity
This article explores how you can try out a context-specific approach, which leads to a context-specific experience. Once we understand more about the complexity behind the problems which we are trying to solve with agile, we clarify the purpose of our agile practice. This is the starting point from which we can build a common focus and sense of priority within our agile culture.
Scaling Agile – Big Room Planning
This third article in the series about making scaled agile work explores how to do big room planning. It’s two days of planning together with all program and team members every three months providing an overview of all the work to be done in the next quarter. Towards the end of the two days, team and program objectives for the three months are agreed upon, and risks are discussed and mitigated.
TalentSumerization – The Employee Experience in Agile Enterprises
Talent, knowledge and leadership are today’s currency for competitiveness. HR teams that begin to think about their roles as creating an employment experience will be on the leading edge of modern workplaces. This article explores how Consumerization of Human Resources” – or “TalentSumerization” – can be used to create a social, mobile, and consumer-style employee experience.
Telenor’s Stars to Space Stations: An Example of Gate Systems Applied to Product Development
When Telenor needed to establish a clearer understanding of how to measure progress for early stage product development, they created a different set of KPIs for early stage products based around learning instead of financials. They studied the product phase gate process used by companies such as Microsoft and IBM to develop one that worked for Telenor to make relevant investments.
Q&A with Dan Szuc and Jo Wong on Make Meaningful Work
Raf Gemmail speaks with UX leaders Dan Szuc and Josephine Wong about Make Meaningful Work, a humanistic framework and set of practices born from applying human-centered design to the workplace. Sitting beneath existing methodologies, it enables teams to share and understand character perspectives, in working towards producing impacts which are meaningful to them.
Agile for Marketing and Communication
Agile Marketing and Communication (MarCom) bridge the IT and communication disciplines. Communication professionals started to apply agile in their projects, which has led to better collaboration and increased productivity and creativity. Professionals take on tasks outside their usual responsibilities and duties, and it's the team that decides how the work is prioritized and done.
Frugal Innovation: Doing More with Less
Frugal innovation provides ways to do more and better with less. It helps us to solve problems with limited resources in a sustainable way and to address inequality and empower billions of people at the bottom of the pyramid. Agile and frugal support each other; both aim to solve the problem at hand and nothing more, getting products into the hands of the users early and learning from that use.
Q&A on the Book "Agile People"
Pia-Maria Thorén has written a book titled Agile People, in which she challenges the role of Human Resources in organisations, identifies where the current approaches are not working and why they need to change to support modern organisational thinking.
Scaling Agile - Master Planning Together
The first article in the series about making scaled agile work shared a true scaling agile story; the second article described the importance and the how-to’s of slicing your requirements into potential releasable epics. So now we’re ready to build on top of those slices and that common understanding; we’re ready to do the master planning together.
How Self-Organization Happens
There isn't one specific pattern that emerges from self-organization. The processes are so deep and fundamental to human interactions that you cannot enforce any specific hierarchical or non-hierarchical pattern with rules. Trust between people is an outcome of allowing people to freely self-organize. Complex networks of trust emerge and change as people continuously negotiate their relationships.
Q&A on the Book Practical Kanban
The book Practical Kanban provides solutions for typical problems that continually occur within Kanban implementations. It explains how you can create a Kanban system for the entire value creation chain to coordinate the work of teams.