InfoQ Homepage Collaboration Content on InfoQ
Business, Design, and Engineering: Developing Collaboration-Culture
The collaboration of a company and its multidisciplinary units has never been more crucial than now. Everything we make today depends upon our ability to stay current, move nimbly, innovate, engage and delight. Those things are too difficult to achieve without cross-team collaboration.
Business, Design and Technology: Joining Forces for a Truly Competitive Advantage
The list of industries being disrupted by digital technologies is growing. To embrace this new digital world, companies need to change their practices and the way they use technology.
From a Project to a Product Approach Using LeSS at Agfa Healthcare
By changing the inner workings from a project perspective to a product perspective Agfa Healthcare established a less complicated process using a single backlog for the entire organisation. Main advice is to try to avoid setting up silos where they do not belong. When applying LeSS it is important to stick to its basic rules even though they are, in most organisations, very disruptive.
Dealing with Politics in Agile or Lean Teams
InfoQ interviewed Katharine Kirk about how agile or lean can increase politics and how she combines ideas from agile and lean with eastern and tribal philosophy to deal with people issues that arise. InfoQ also asked her to give a different perspective and practical advice for addressing and navigating politics in organizations.
Staying Connected When Working Remote
Working remote can give you freedom and independence as you can work when and where you want. But working alone and being distant from people that you work with can result in loneliness and can make you feel disconnected. InfoQ interviewed Pilar Orti about the advantages and disadvantages of remote working, staying connected while working remote and creating trust.
Q&A with Sandro Mancuso about The Software Craftsman
In the book The Software Craftsman, Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride Sandro Mancuso explores how craftmanship plays a role in agile software development. The book contains stories, examples and practical advice for software developers and other professionals involved in software projects to achieve technical excellence and customer satisfaction.
Impediment Busting: Designing an Impediment Removal Process for Your Organization
Lean Product Development takes an end-to-end focus on the flow of work through a system. Rather than focus on traditional measures such as capacity utilization, it proves more effective to focus on how work is moving through the system. This article discusses what impedes the flow of work, and how we manage impediments to the flow of work.
Coding Culture: How To Build Better Products by Building Stronger Teams
Software developers spend a tremendous amount of time and energy focused on how to build the best possible products. We obsess over what web framework to use or whether to go with a NoSQL or SQL database. While these questions are important, they often neglect to address an equally important aspect of software development: culture.
Inviting over Imposing Agile
We are at a crossroads in the agile-adoption narrative. Early in the story teams were the “bottom-up” vector for agile spread. Next the way agile spread started to shift away from teams to executives and “management”. Recent developments move us towards consultancy for bring agile to larger enterprises that struggle with change. Which way is agile going to go next?
I’m Not a Servant - I’m a Host! A New Metaphor for Leadership in Agile?
What does it mean being a leader? And what does it mean being a leader in an agile context? This article start from a very well known metaphor for leadership, the servant leader, and then introduces a recent metaphor mentioned in the management literature, a richer one that goes under the name of host leadership that is more useful for a modern agile organisation.
Q&A with Patrick Kua About Talking with Tech Leads
When developers become Tech Leads they have to find a balance between leading teams and continuing to do technical work. The book Talking with Tech Leads contains stories from Tech Leads on situations, challenges and approaches for leading teams. It explores the role and activities of technical leaders, and provides suggestions how to deal with responsibilities that come with technical leadership.
Shipping-to-Partner or Partnership?
Due to globalization and supply chain management, a single company cannot operate on its own anymore. This article helps you to develop an insight in the current ways that your partnerships are running. By defining models and explaining characteristics of these models you get better insight in the relationships with your partners. More important, you will learn to benefit better from partnerships.