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  • Q&A with Patrick Kua About Talking with Tech Leads

    When developers become Tech Leads they have to find a balance between leading teams and continuing to do technical work. The book Talking with Tech Leads contains stories from Tech Leads on situations, challenges and approaches for leading teams. It explores the role and activities of technical leaders, and provides suggestions how to deal with responsibilities that come with technical leadership.

  • Shipping-to-Partner or Partnership?

    Due to globalization and supply chain management, a single company cannot operate on its own anymore. This article helps you to develop an insight in the current ways that your partnerships are running. By defining models and explaining characteristics of these models you get better insight in the relationships with your partners. More important, you will learn to benefit better from partnerships.

  • Q&A with Frederic Laloux on Reinventing Organizations

    In the book reinventing organizations Frederic Laloux researched 12 organizations who use fundamentally new ways to manage work and their employees. InfoQ interviewed Frederic about how evolutionary-teal organizations manage themselves, practices for start-ups, self-organizing organizations, renewing approaches for managing performance of employees and results from evolutionary-teal organizations.

  • Can You Scale Kanban?

    When organizations are scaling agile and want to apply kanban as one of their agile methods the question can pop up if kanban can also be scaled? InfoQ interviewed Klaus Leopold about using kanban for managing a program, deploying and connecting kanban boards on team and program level, managing work in progress across the full delivery cycle and the benefits that kanban can bring.

  • How to Remain Agile When You Have to Sign a Contract?

    Agile development based on a contract that has been accepted by lawyers seems impossible. The nature of traditional purchasing and contracting processes does not match the Agile principles. This is a case story of how a supplier cooperated with a client to develop a huge project in an Agile way, by cutting it into smaller pieces and prepare a matching contract based on mutual trust.

  • Q&A with John Sonmez on His Book on Soft Skills

    The book “Soft Skills - The software developer's life manual” addresses interesting topics for professional software developers. The book aims to help developers to become better programmers, more valuable employees, and happier and healthier people. An interview with John Sonmez on managing careers, remote working, mentoring, getting more work done, negotiating salaries and positive thinking.

  • Lessons Learned by Scaling Android Apps - AnDevCon Panel Summary

    At the last AnDevCon, Doug Bateman moderated a panel focused on what it takes to build Android apps that scale up to millions of global users. This included team management, testing and design for testability, feature and release management, support, open source contributions, alternative architectures, and more.

  • The Ubiquitous Need for Kanbanfor1

    It is four years since Sandy Mamoli started experimenting with Kanbanfor1 and two years since she first presented the concepts and Snapper’s story of adopting personal Kanban at Agile 2012. In this article she shares the top 5 Kanbanfor1 related insights she has gained from using, coaching and presenting Kanbanfor1 during the last four years.

  • Lean Project Management Using “Oobeya"

    This article introduces the Oobeya methodology, a lean approach to project management that can complement agile by keeping project teams tightly focused on customer satisfaction, time to market and cost. Furthermore the Oobeya method empowers teams to identify wasteful activities and resolve their problems autonomously, freeing time and energy to deliver more value for their clients.

  • Q&A with Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin about More Agile Testing

    The book More Agile Testing reflects back on the developments that have happened in agile testing in the last five years. It covers new challenges in testing, test practices, and examples of and experiences with agile testing from teams all around the world. InfoQ did an interview with the authors Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin.

  • Building Relationships Between Agile Teams and Stakeholders

    Neuroscience tell us that humans are wired to connect with each other says Jenni Jepsen. Results from neuroscience research can be used in our daily work to strengthen relationships in the workplace and improve collaboration between agile teams and their stakeholders.

  • Q&A with Gojko Adzic on Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve Your User Stories

    The book fifty quick ideas to improve your user stories aims to help people to write better user stories, supporting teams in iteratively delivering products that satisfy the needs of their customers. InfoQ interviewed Gojko Adzic about the format of his new book, when and when not to use user stories, the ideas that the book provides, organizing product backlogs and prioritizing user stories.