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InfoQ Homepage Concurrency Content on InfoQ

  • Article: Introducing Multithreaded Programming to JavaScript

    In this article, which was originally published on InfoQ Japan, Daisuke Maki describes some of the challenges of developing responsive AJAX applications, and presents Concurrent.Thread as a solution to easing the complexity involved in asynchronous communcation in AJAX.

  • New Java Concurrency Feature: Phasers

    A new type of concurrency barrier called 'Phasers' has been introduced into JSR-166y, scheduled for inclusion in Java SE 7.

  • Article: Do Java 6 threading optimizations actually work? - Part II

    In part 2 of "Java 6 threading optimizations" article series, author Jeroen Borgers examines various threading optimizations and JVM arguments to manage them. He also talks about factors like On Stack Replacement (OSR), Heap Management and Lock object data size which could significantly affect the performance of multi-threaded java applications.

  • Opinion: Multiple Processor Computing Challenges go Beyond Purely Technical Issues

    In his position statement for the International Computer Music Conference 2008, Peter Van Roy raises a number of issues related to the emergence of multi-core processors and loosely coupled systems and suggests possible solutions. Though challenges brought by these two forms of concurrency computing are very different in their nature, both they go beyond purely technical problems.

  • Kilim - actors and message passing in Java

    Message passing and the actor model of concurrency is one promising way for the massive parallelization needed to utilize current and especially future CPUs. Erlang has it built in from the start and Scala incorporated the Scala Actor library into it’s framework. But there is also a pure Java solution - Kilim.

  • The multicore crises: Scala vs. Erlang

    There has been a somewhat heated debate about Scala vs. Erlang on the blogosphere recently. The future will be multi-cored, and the question is how the multi-core crises will be solved. Scala and Erlang are two languages that aspire to be the solution, but they are a bit different. What are the pros and cons with their approaches?

  • Article: Do Java 6 threading optimizations actually work?

    Features like biased locking, lock coarsening, lock elision by escape analysis and adaptive spin locking are all designed to increase concurrency by allowing more effective sharing amongst application threads. But do they actually work? In this two part article, Jeroen Borgers explores these features and attempt to answer the performance question with the aid of a single threaded benchmark.

  • Presentation: Erlang - software for a concurrent world

    We get more and more cores in our CPUs, but does our software run linearly faster? In most cases - no. We've hit a trend change when it comes to faster CPUs. We'll get more and more cores, but each core will be slower as the number of cores increase. In his talk, Joe Armstrong introduces Erlang and the ideas of Concurrent Oriented Programming which is one way to solve the problem.

  • Concurrency Presentation Scheduled for the PDC Pre-Conference Sessions

    Microsoft's The Parallel Computing Platform team will be presenting on Concurrent, Multi-core Programming for Windows and .NET during the PDC pre-conference Sessions. These sessions are day-long, in-depth presentations on specific topics. Held the Sunday before the main conference, a separate registration is required.

  • Article: Scalability Principles

    At the simplest level, scalability is about doing more of something. This could be responding to more user requests, executing more work or handling more data. This article presents some principles and guidelines for building scalable software systems.

  • Breaking Changes in the .NET ThreadPool

    When .NET 2.0 SP 1 was released with .NET 3.5, the thread pool underwent some significant changes. As Michael C. Kennedy discovered, not all were for the best.

  • JavaOne: Garbage First

    In a JavaOne presentation, Sun Microsystems’ Tony Printezis provided more details on Garbage First, a replacement for the CMS garbage collector particularly targeted at long running server applications.

  • Parallel Processing Framework JPPF 1.1 Supports TCP Multiplexer and JMX Monitoring

    The latest version of JPPF, a java based open source parallel processing framework, includes a networking tool called TCP port multiplexer to enable JPPF work in secure firewall environments. JPPF team released the version 1.1 of the framework which also includes JMX based node monitoring and management features.

  • Are Special Purpose Chips an Answer to the Multicore Crisis?

    Adapting to multicore paradigm is one of the emerging challenges in the software industry. What if the solution lays at the hardware level? Bob Warfield suggests that creation of chips optimized for running specific virtual machines could reduce the gap between the potential performance of processors and the actual capacity of software to take advantage from it.

  • Microsoft, Intel to invest $20M in parallel computing

    Microsoft and Intel have recently announced a $20 million joint investment into parallel computing over the next 5 years.