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InfoQ Homepage Concurrency Content on InfoQ

  • Interview: Ezra Zygmuntowicz on Engine Yard and Rails Deployment

    Exclusive InfoQ interview with Rails deployment guru Ezra Zygmuntowicz. The topics include scaling Rails, Ruby threading, and Ezra's venture Engine Yard, an interesting new Rails hosting service that employs Xen and virtualization to provide scalable service.

  • Ruby Userspace Threads vs GUI toolkits Roundup

    Are Ruby 1.x User-space threads a hindrance with writing GUIs? We take a brief look at the situation and show the situation, options and alternatives such as using JRuby.

  • A Replacement for .NET's Flawed ReaderWriterLock

    Visual Studio 2007 will have a new lock called ReaderWriterLockSlim. According to Joe Duffy, in addition to being faster, it solves some of the nastier design flaws of its predecessor.

  • Parallel LINQ: add automatic multithreading to LINQ queries

    With multi-core CPUs finding their way into server farms and the desktop not far behind, new techniques to take advantage of them are desperately needed. Microsoft is seeking to address these with Parallel LINQ, a research project to add automatic multithreading to LINQ queries.

  • Multi-core Processors: Good or Bad for Java

    Two recent items on the internet have looked at the topic of multi-core processors and Java. A recent article by Randall Scarberry of looks at using the Java concurrency API to write multi-threaded algorithms. Billy Newport of IBM also recently written a blog post detailing how Java may not be well suited for multi-core processors.

  • Joe Duffy on Concurrency

    With dual and quad-core CPUs finding their way onto personal computers and 32-core processors predicted in the next 3 to 5 years, concurrency is becoming a major concern for developers. Joe Duffy, author of Professional .NET Framework 2.0 and the upcoming Concurrent Programming on Windows presents his opinions and recommendations for creating reusable, concurrent libraries in .NET.

  • CLR Hosting and Fibers

    The CLR can be hosted in a wide variety of environments. Out of the box these include Internet Explorer, IIS, and SQL Server 2005, and developers are free to create their own. Unfortunately, one thing they don't support is fibers.