InfoQ Homepage Continuous Improvement Content on InfoQ
The Power of an Agile Mindset
Linda Rising discusses the “agile mindset” - an attitude that equates failure and problems with opportunities for learning –, sharing practical suggestions to become even more agile.
It's Never Too Late to Fight Your Legacy
Máté Nádasdi presents how Ustream uses unit testing and continuous integration for the front-end to ensure the website’s stability and growth.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Flexible Scope
Gojko Adzic shows how to convince people to embrace flexible scope, not only for startup environments but for big enterprise projects as well.
Continuous Improvement: Hell on Earth?
Katherine Kirk reflects through case study examples on what continuous improvement feels like on the ground and explores how it can be better by learning from other industries, research and real-life.
DevOps at a Small International Bank - Contiguous Improvement over Continuous Delivery
Ola Ellnestam shares lessons learned and DevOps practices along with the underlying values and principles used to implement continuous improvement and delivery at a large bank.
The Art of the Retrospective
Chris Smith provides practical advice for sprint retrospectives, gathering information and identifying root causes of both problems and successes, and addressing issues from a different perspective.
Top 10 Agile Gotcha's and How to Recover
Michael Sahota discusses top 10 Agile gotchas: when release is ready, sprint meetings take too long, no retrospectives, people aren’t working together, getting new stories, stand-ups are boring, etc.
Synergistic Effects: A Mixed Remote/In-house Team Can Be Better than the Sum of Its Parts
Dana Caulder discusses how to improve team communication and delivery, aligning processes and tooling for iterative improvement, processes to mitigate team member turnover and speed-up onboarding.
Gamestorming the Retrospective
Astrid Claessen discusses retrospectives: the Derby and Larsen models, how gamestorming helps, and techniques explained through example by involving the audience.
Scaling AncestryDNA using Hadoop and HBase
Bill Yetman and Jeremy Pollack discuss using Agile techniques -start simple, get going, iterate- and the “measure everything” principle to create the architecture behind the Family History website.
The Art of Reviewing Code
Arjan van Leeuwen overviews code reviews advantages and disadvantages, how much can be done in a code review, types of critiques, how to handle critiques and conflicts that might arise from them.
Feedback-based Evolutionary Design
Graham Brooks explores internal measurements used in a continuous delivery feedback mechanism in order to improve a system's design.