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How to Source Control Your Databases for DevOps
A robust DevOps environment requires having continuous integration for every component of the system. But far too often, the database is omitted from the equation. In this article, we discuss the unique aspects of databases, both relational and NoSQL, in a successful continuous integration environment.
The State of DevOps in Banking – Report from DOES London 2018
At the 2018 DevOps Enterprise Summit in London, a number of banks presented talks that shared their experience and learning around the principles and practice of embracing DevOps: CapitalOne, Barclays, Lloyds Banking Group, Key Bank, Standard Bank, ABN Amro, UBS and RBS. Here, we summarise the key points of their talks and identify the correlations and crossovers in the messages.
Why and How Database Changes Should Be Included in the Deployment Pipeline
Eduardo Piairo on why databases and applications should coexist in the same deployment pipeline and different scenarios and steps to achieve it.
GitLab's CEO Sid Sijbrandij on Current Development Practices
In this all-round interview, GitLab CEO Sid Sijbrandij speaks about how GitLab was born, what differentiates it from its competitors, the importance of being an "open" company, how GitLab engineers use continuous integration, what being a remote-only company means, and much more.
Continuous Delivery with Kubernetes the Hard Way
Automating continuous delivery with Kubernetes requires a Single-Source-Of-Truth, and that rollbacks can be implemented efficiently without requiring new code changes to be pushed.
Q&A on Starting and Scaling DevOps in the Enterprise
The book Starting and Scaling DevOps in the Enterprise by Gary Gruver provides a DevOps based approach for continuously improving development and delivery processes in large organizations. It contains suggestions that can be used to optimize the deployment pipeline, release code frequently, and deliver to customers.
How Difficult Can It Be to Integrate Software Development Tools? The Hard Truth
Integrating tools used in software development and delivery is very hard. Getting endpoints to inter-operate is not a purely technical challenge, it’s more of a business problem. While there are a few choices in selecting the technical integration infrastructure (integration via APIs or at the database layer), the real challenges have more to do with friction caused by the dissimilarities.
Elevating Builds into a Container
Automated builds and delivery pipelines are a wonderful thing once they’re operational. But provisioning build agents can be quite painful. It can be greatly simplified by running tools in containers.
Book Review: Learn Apache JMeter by Example
JMeter is an indispensable tool for testing load and functionality of multi-tiered applications comprised of web front ends, JVM servers and a wealth of NoSQL and relational databases. This book is the manual that should have been included to help surmount the learning curve.
Q&A on the Practice of System and Network Administration (3rd Edition)
The book The Practice of System and Network Administration takes a holistic view on system administration: it provides a framework and strategies for solving problems regardless of the operating system, brand of computer, or type of environment. The third edition incorporates new developments like DevOps, infrastructure as code, continuous integration, operational excellence and assessments.
Introduction to SQL Server Containers
Containers are just around the corner for the Windows community, and this article takes a closer look at using SQL Server containers. The author discusses the value, use cases, and means for taking advantage of SQL Server containers today.
Continuous Deployment with Containers
Many of us have already experimented with Docker - for example, running one of the pre-built images from Docker Hub. However, a comprehensive build pipeline is required before deploying any containers into a production environment. This article outlines the steps you need to take for a fully automated continuous-deployment pipeline that builds microservices deployed via Docker containers.