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State of the JavaScript Landscape: A Map for Newcomers
Modern JavaScript development is in constant motion. Build tools that were popular 12 or even six months ago are no longer en vogue. In this article, Bonnie Eisenman gives JavaScript newcomers a map to get started on their JavaScript journey. For more experienced JavaScript developers, Bonnie provides an update on where the community is at and what technologies to use for new projects.
Securing the Modern Software Delivery Lifecycle
Information security practice has evolved to be pretty good at granting and managing access to confidential information - by people. But automation is taking over, requiring a shift in how we think about securing our infrastructure and applications.
Large Scaled-Scrum Development Does Work!
Agile Scrum development as such is nothing new and extraordinary. But when putting up to 100 professionals from all related development and product areas in the same boat to develop a product … then it becomes a challenge. This article explores how the Ericsson ICT Development Center Eurolab in Aachen has tackled this with the help of Kaizen and other adjustments to Agile practices.
Executable Images - How to Dockerize Your Development Machine
Every developer knows the pain of incompatible software. By using Docker executable images developers can take advantage of container technology to better control their development environments.
Practices for DevOps and Continuous Delivery
DevOps is an attempt to break the barrier between development and operations teams, who are both required for the successful delivery of software says Danilo Sato. His book Devops in Practice: Reliable and automated software delivery provides a hands-on approach for implementing continuous delivery and DevOps practices.
Using Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) with Feature Teams to Ship Your Product Every Sprint
An interview with Larman about LeSS and what makes it different from other scaling frameworks and using empirical process control to increase organizational agility. Larman also explained how organizations can work with feature teams, and gave examples of how teams and stakeholders can be in direct contact with their customers and users and can work together to ship their product every sprint.
Perspectives On Agile Software Testing - Book Review
On the occasion of Selenium's 10th Birthday Celebration, a bunch of ThoughtWorkers have compiled an anthology of essays on testing approaches, tools and culture. This anthology of essays is available as an eBook, titled - "Perspectives on Agile Software Testing".
Interview and Book Review: Scrum Shortcuts Without Cutting Corners
"Scrum Shortcuts Without Cutting Corners" by Ilan Goldstein is a must read book that delivers real world examples on how to effectively implement and embed Agile in your team or organisation.
Database Continuous Delivery
The database creates a real challenge for automation, hence participation in continuous processes. Scripting database objects change-scripts into traditional version or using 'compare & sync' tools is either an inefficient or risky thing to automate, as the two concepts are unaware of the other. A better solution needs to be implemented in the shape of Continuous Delivery and DevOps for database.
Orchestrating Your Delivery Pipelines with Jenkins
Following up on his previous article on preparing for CD in the enterprise, Andrew Phillips reviews state-of-the-art plugins and solutions in the Jenkins ecosystem for achieving efficient, reproducible and secure delivery pipelines. Helped by none other than Jenkins creator, Kohsuke Kawaguchi.
Monty Taylor and Jim Blair on CI and Test Automation at OpenStack
Monty Taylor and James Blair talk about the build and test challenges they face at OpenStack, and how they managed to tackle them. Managing hundreds of VMs on public clouds, integrating up to 400 commits a day and running thousands of test jobs on them are some of the challenges described.
Codenvy’s Architecture, Part 2
Tyler Jewell, CEO of Codenvy, unveils in this 2-parts article the architecture of Codenvy - a cloud IDE –, providing details on its platform and plug-in architecture, workspace and cluster management, multi-tenancy implementation, IDE collaboration, release model and SCRUM process used for development.