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Collaborative Contract-Driven Development
Billy Korando discusses Contract-Driven Development to improve collaborations between teams working on the same project.
Smart Contracts That Learn
Michael Slinn discusses Smart Contracts, what they are, various implementations, how they can learn, and use cases.
Consumer-Driven Contracts and Your Microservice Architecture
Marcin Grzejszczak and Adib Saikali demo a system using the Consumer-driven Contracts approach together with Spring Boot and the Spring Cloud Contract verifier.
Design by Contract in Elixir: “Let It Crash” Meets “It Shouldn’t Crash”
Elba Sanchez explains what Design by Contract is, what can be achieved using it and how it can be used in any kind of projects, from personal to mission-critical software.
Contracts in Clojure: Settling Types vs Tests
Jessica Kerr talks about Clojure and explores the potential of contracts as the best-yet compromise between types and tests.
Microservices or SOLID Services?
Ondrej Krajicek discusses how basic techniques - SOLID principles, Design by Contract - and certain metrics can be used in architecting microservices, and the benefits resulting from using them.
How to Make the Most of Code Analysis?
Patrick Smacchia shares code analysis-related practices - structuring code, measuring code quality, automated tests, code contracts, reporting progress, trending- based on his experience with NDepend.
Design by Contract (DbC)
Joël Hébert introduces and demoes Design by Contract’s main concepts –preconditions, postconditions, object invariants- showing their benefits in creating more robust code.
Compile-time Verification, It's Not Just for Type Safety Any More
Greg Young talks about .NET’s Contracts library, showing how to use it, what it is good for, and how it improves code quality.
TDD in a DbC World
After presenting some basics of Design by Contract using Microsoft’s SpecSharp framework, Greg Young explains how we can keep the Test First mentality in a Contract First world.